
We understand that the rising cost of living is having an impact on residents and businesses. However, with our costs rising at a rapid rate and placing pressure on our budget, we have had to increase rates in line with the cap set by the Victorian Government. The total average rates rise for 2023-24, therefore, will be 3.5 per cent.

As part of the Revenue and Rating Plan put in place in 2021, the Council is simplifying the ratings system by reducing the variation between different rating types.

This includes reducing the variation between commercial/industrial rates and residential rates. This means we are progressively bringing the rate in the dollar for commercial/industrial properties down, in order to support local business and ensure our region is an attractive place for business investment.

Residential rates remain competitive in comparison to other councils across the state.
The following is an indicator of what the average residential and commercial/industrial property can expect to pay in rates in 2023-24:


  • Average capital improved property value: $792,397
  • Average rates payable: $1,479.81 (up $80.99 or 5.8 per cent)


  • Average capital improved property value: $1.165 million
  • Average rates payable: $4,937.43 (down $304.61 or 5.8 per cent).

Waste collection and recycling charge

Our waste collection service charge will increase from $429.65 to $457.25 (up $27.60 or 6.4 per cent) in 2023-24.


Residential rates are determined by an annual property valuation, conducted by the Valuer General (not Council).
The annual nature of the valuation has the potential to create sizeable fluctuations, which means ratepayers in some towns/suburbs will have larger increases than the average.

It is important to note that an increase in your property’s value does not automatically result in an above average increase in rates.

The movement in your rates is determined by the change in your property’s value compared to the average change in property values across Greater Geelong.

Properties with lower-than-average value increases could expect to see lower movement in rates and those with higher-than-average increases are likely to see their rates bill rise more than the average.


Our Financial Hardship Policy is in place to provide support to individuals and businesses experiencing hardship.
Depending on the circumstances ratepayers may be eligible for an individual payment arrangement, rebate, deferral or, in exceptional circumstances, a partial rates waiver.

Community members can call 5272 5272 for a confidential discussion or visit www.geelongaustralia.com.au/rates for information.

We want your feedback

Feedback helps the Council ensure its strategic priorities align with the areas identified as being important to the community.

In addition to the submission form below, you are invited to share your feedback with Councillors in person at a number of pop-up Have Your Say listening posts to be held around Geelong.

Dates, times and venues for these sessions will be posted on this page once available. Please click the +Follow button at the top of the project page to receive updates.

Submissions can be lodged online below or by mail

We encourage you to review the draft documents (which can be found here or in the document library on the right-hand side of this page) prior to leaving feedback.

Submissions on the proposed Revenue and Rating Plan can be submitted online below or in writing by 5pm Wednesday 24 May 2023 and addressed to:

Chief Financial Officer,
Wadawurrung Country,
City of Greater Geelong,
PO Box 104,
Geelong VIC 3220

To ensure your submission is valid please include your name, postal address, a contact phone number, email address (if you have one) and details of your submission.

Council’s Submissions Panel will meet on Wednesday 7 June, 2023 at 6pm to consider all submissions.

The personal information requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Revenue & Rating Plan or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. Your personal information will only be disclosed to carry out a deeper analysis of the data* or as required to do so by law. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to privacy@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.

*In order to gain a deeper understanding of the data provided to the City and improve our services to you, we may disclose the information you provide to us to AWS Comprehend which carry out analysis of the data. Your personal information may be disclosed to AWS Comprehend based in Sydney only in relation to the primary purpose of collection. View the following link for AWS Comprehend’s Data Privacy statement.