Community engagement has now closed.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.


The City produces an annual wall calendar for residents of Greater Geelong. This year we produced and distributed more than 130,000 copies.

The calendar features photos of the Geelong region and details a variety of events, activities and special days to keep you up to date with what's happening locally. It also includes information on councillor contact details and your local waste collection calendar.

Photos in the calendar are selected through a process of public submissions through an annual competition. Each year, hundreds of high-quality images are submitted by amazing local snappers and the winning entries are chosen by community voting.

Your feedback

We would love to hear your thoughts on the content, format and distribution of the calendar, as well as what you think about the photo competition.

Last year, we asked what content respondents would find useful in the calendar:

  • More than 86% of survey respondents said they would like more information on recycling and rubbish disposal. As a result of this feedback, we introduced a waste tip for each month.
  • Almost 75% of survey respondents wanted to see market dates return. As a result of this feedback we included market dates in the 2023 calendar.

Your feedback is important to us, please visit any one or more of the multiple options below to have your say:

  • complete the Online Survey below to provide feedback, and/or
  • request a hard copy survey by contacting the officer listed in the 'Contact Us' section of this page or calling Customer Service on 5272 5272
  • vote on the Quick Poll if you voted on our calendar images.

Thank you.

  • Opens 9.00am 3 February, 2023

  • Closed 5.00pm 24 February, 2023

Your feedback

Your opinion matter to us, which is why we're hoping you'll spend a few minutes completing this 2023 Geelong Calendar survey.