Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.
Your input is important to us. Please read our Stage 1 Engagement Report below.
The Cowies Creek Stormwater Management Strategy will assist the City and relevant authorities to better understand and manage flood risk, stormwater quality impacts on local waterways, and alternate water supply options for the region. The study area consists of the following suburbs: Norlane, North Geelong, Bell Park, Bell Post Hill, Lovely Banks, and Moorabool, and includes the upcoming Creamery Road precinct.
Creamery Road precinct is bounded by Warners Road and Cowies Creek to the north, Geelong-Ballan Road (C141) to the west, Midland Highway (A300) to the south, and the Princes Freeway (M1) / Geelong Ring Road to the east.
We are asking residents, businesses and property owners to join the conversation to better inform this study. This valuable information will support sustainable land use planning in the future, community flood preparedness, and emergency response in the area.
The Cowies Creek Stormwater Management Strategy will be delivered in two parts:
Part A - Catchment Management Strategy
A detailed investigation for the catchment area including flood modelling and mapping, development of flood mitigation options, stormwater quality modelling, integrated water management (IWM) analysis, development of a flood management plan, and planning scheme amendment documentation.
Part B - Development Services Scheme
A functional design of the Development Services Scheme for Creamery Road precinct, which will include the design of the stormwater drainage network and will incorporate flood retardation, water quality treatment, and IWM design elements. This part will culminate with the preparation of a Development Contribution Plan for the precinct.
This project will focus on:
- practices that guide sustainable growth, improved land use, and infrastructure planning for the area;
- protecting environmental, cultural heritage and community values;
- analysing stormwater drainage systems and recommending any works to reduce the impacts of flooding;
- improved emergency response services and community preparedness;
- analysing stormwater treatment systems and recommending any upgrades to enhance the health and biodiversity of Cowies Creek and Corio Bay;
- integrating infrastructure to enhance community spaces and adapt to climate change through urban greening and cooling; and
- designing water management solutions that provide social and recreational destinations for community enjoyment.
Community Consultation & Engagement
Detailed community engagement and consultation is planned throughout the project.
In Round 1, we invited all residents, property owners, businesses and organisations within the Cowies Creek catchment to have their say and help shape the project outcomes.
We ask them to share flood stories (photos, videos, newspaper cuttings etc.), your memories, views and local knowledge of the area to help us deliver a successful project.
Round 1 community engagement closed 4pm 16 July, 2021.
Why the term "1-in-100 year event" is misleading
A common misconception is that a 1-in-100 year event can take place only once every 100 years.
However, it actually has a 1 in 100, or 1%, chance of occurring at any single location in any given year.
A better term is Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP). This refers to the probability that a flood event of a given magnitude will be equaled or exceeded in any one year.
For example, a 1% AEP means the chance of a 1-in-100 year flood occurring this year, next year, or in any year is always 1 percent.
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The personal information requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purposes of the Cowies Creek Stormwater Management Strategy or for any other directly-related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. In this engagement, your User Name will be published with your comment. If you wish to make a non-public comment, please contact the engagement officer listed. Your personal information will only be disclosed as required to do so by law. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to: privacy@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.