About this community garden proposal

The City has received the following application from Warralily Community Garden 3217 Inc to establish a new community garden at 46-70 Central Boulevard Armstrong Creek.

In accordance with the Community Gardens Assessment Guidelines they are now seeking community endorsement of their proposal.

You are invited to share your views about their proposal below.

Warralily Community Garden 3217 Incorporated

Who are we?

Warralily Community Garden 3217 Incorporated are a group of community minded people who realise the social, educational, and health benefits of shared community garden spaces.


We aim to establish a neighbourhood Community Garden in Armstrong Creek to promote health and wellbeing, sustainable living and a means to develop a strong, connected community across all age groups, cultures and ability.

We will achieve this by nurturing our already strong membership base and community partners to ultimately provide the community with an inclusive garden space that will deliver to our mission pillars; education, inclusion, sustainability and connections.

Statement of Purpose

To create a multi-use community asset that is nurtured by the community, is well managed and attracts a diverse interest.

We aim to increase social connections, promote physical and mental health and help families educate their children about fresh healthy foods.

We will promote sustainable lifestyles, through organic planting, composting, waste and water reduction and help community members learn recycling practices, including waste management.

We will turn the current vacant land into a beautiful, productive space which fosters community pride and spirit.

How we will operate - Guiding Principles

The plan is to create and develop the sustainable community garden in stages. Guiding principles are:

1. Use local vegetation and resources.
2. Be self-sustaining by setting up composting, worm farms and recycled water usage.
3. Connect people and facilitate the sharing of knowledge.
4. Set up a management committee to ensure the garden’s upkeep and success.
5. Foster cultural diversity and accessibility for all ages and abilities.
6. Provide educational areas and activities to widen the knowledge base of our local community.
7. Monthly meetings to plan, record, review and submit the treasurer’s report.

Stage one includes:

1. Establishing the fence line including double gate access from the carpark.
2. The set-up of a minimum of 20 wicking garden beds including suitable access to water.
3. Establishment of fruit trees.
4. Set up the greenhouse, compost and worm farm.
5. Set up storage shed.

Warralily Community Garden 3217 Inc feedback


This proposal has been submitted by Warralily Community Garden 3217 Inc and they would welcome your feedback.

About you

To help us assess all feedback received it is helpful to know a bit about you.

Your feedback

Please share your level of support for this garden