• Stage 2 community engagement opened Wednesday 29 May

  • Stage 2 community engagement closed on 5pm, Tuesday 2 July


People with disability are a vital part of Greater Geelong’s community as residents, employees, business owners, artists, volunteers, tourists and visitors.

The City of Greater Geelong has developed the Draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-28. The plan outlines our actions to create a city that is more accessible, inclusive, welcoming and supports the full participation of people with disability.

We are committed to working with people with disability, their carers and supporters to finalise and implement the new plan.

We recognise that people with disability are diverse in culture, race, identity and sexuality, and will ensure that planned actions account for, address and respect this diversity.

Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan outlines what we will do to ensure our services and facilities meet the diverse needs of people with disability.

We will develop the plan in consultation with people with disability, their families and carers, service providers and the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee.

A Disability Access and Inclusion Plan will help us to make the City of Greater Geelong more accessible and inclusive so that people with disability can fully participate in community life.

The plan will outline how we will promote the rights of people with disability and the actions we will take to ensure people with disability are treated fairly and equally.

Download an Easy Read version of this information here.

What We Heard

Stage 1 community engagement occurred over eight weeks in July-September 2023. Stage 2 community engagement (feedback on the draft plan) occurred over May-July 2024. Through this engagement we heard from people with disability, family, friends, carers and service providers, along with the broader community.

To read more about who we heard from and the community feedback, download the Stage 1 Community Engagement Report and the Stage 2 Community Engagement Report.

Community Aspirations for 2028

People held a vision for Greater Geelong as a place where people with disability feel:

  • welcomed,
  • a genuine sense of belonging, and
  • safe to enjoy the wide range of experiences offered because they were accessible and inclusive.

  • Six Community Priorities

    Through the engagement the community shared many ideas about how the City can increase and access and inclusion and reduce barriers for people with disability. These can be grouped under six main themes. Click on the arrow to find out more about each priority.

    Continue work to remove physical barriers and consider the different types of disability to improve accessibility of buildings, public spaces, facilities, and signage in both the city and outer areas of Greater Geelong.

    Improve participation by people with disability in the City of Greater Geelong’s events, activities, sport, services and employment by improving physical access and creating environments where they feel welcomed, supported and that they belong.

    The City of Greater Geelong to become a leader in employing people with disability in the region. Then advocate to, and educate local businesses, by promoting the strengths of people with disability as employees. Provide support to people with disability to find and do their job.

    'Nothing about us without us'. People with a diverse range of disabilities should be engaged in the planning and design of infrastructure, facilities, services, and programs to ensure they are functional, appropriate and avoid segregation from the broader community.

    Establish accessible* communication between the City of Greater Geelong and people with disability for information about services and timely notification of activities or events (including how they are accessible). Establish a central point of contact to report accessibility issues.

    *Easy English, Easy Read, Auslan, live and closed captioning, braille, audio description.

    Educate the broader community to accept diversity, understand and recognise different types of disability. Grow community understanding of how they can support people with disability to participate in the community. Promote the rights of people with disability and their contribution as valued members of the community through their stories and achievements.

    Read the Draft Plan

    You can read the plan here:

    This draft plan has now been updated based on your feedback and is scheduled to be considered by Council for adoption.

    Who's listening?

    Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

    Contact Information
    Name Lizz Ainsworth, Senior Community Development Project Officer
    Phone 5272 4974
    Email lainsworth@geelongcity.vic.gov.au

    I need assistance

    The National Relay Service is available as a phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.

    To have content on the page read aloud to you, select text and click the listen icon that appears.

    If we can assist any other way to help you provide your feedback please contact the project officer below.

    This page is available in languages other than English.

    To change the language click the button at the top right corner of this page and select your preferred language.

    If you need an interpreter, call 131 450 or visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website for more information.

    Read the EASY READ document here.

    If you would like to provide your feedback verbally, you can book a phone consultation. SMS your details to Lizz Ainsworth on 0466 725 648 to organise a time.