
Over the past 18 months a review and benchmarking process of the City’s previous Electronic Gaming Policy resulted in the development of a draft Gambling Harm Minimisation Council Policy. This new policy focuses on preventing and reducing harm by promoting alternatives to gambling, evidence-based planning and community connection. It is underpinned by a harm minimisation framework that focuses on supply reduction, demand reduction and harm reduction.

The policy is divided into four priority areas:

  • Planning and regulation
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Partnerships and advocacy
  • Council leadership.

The draft of the Gambling Harm Minimisation Council Policy was made available for community engagement and feedback from October 2021 to January 2022 and the City received around 70 submissions. The City and Council would like to acknowledge and thank the Greater Geelong community for their feedback and input to the draft Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy. A summary report of the community engagement is available in the document library on this page.

On 26 July 2022 the policy was formally endorsed by the Council and this endorsement of the policy can be viewed in the summary of resolutions (see item 2.5). To view the Council meeting on the 26 July 2022, click here.

Over the next 12 months the City will work to implement the Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy and will continue to review the policy over the next four years.

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