
Update 26 July 2024

Following the open engagement period, three expression of interest applications were received and subsequently identified for interviews for the committee positions. The list of recommended new members will now be presented to the Grovedale Steering Group for review and sign-off before each approved submitter will be contact and offered a position on the steering group.

Thank you to everyone who submitted expresions of interest, provided feedback or helped promote this opportunity.

Update 24 June 2024

This engagement has closed. Submissions will now be reviewed and committee members elected from the applicants. An updated will be posted on this page once this process has been concluded. Thanks to everyone who has expressed an interest in this project.

  • Feedback period opens Thursday 23 May, 2024.

  • Feedback period closes 5pm Monday 24 June, 2024.

Grovedale Neighbourhood House

The Grovedale Neighbourhood House is based at the Grovedale Community Hub. It operates within a rights-based community development framework of inclusion, equity, diversity, lifelong learning and community connection and strengthening. It provides a broad range of activities, services and programs designed to support the diverse needs of the local Grovedale and surrounding communities. The House's priorities and activities are guided through the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Strategic Plan, which was developed in liaison with the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group, in consultation with the local community.

The Grovedale Neighbourhood House is funded by the Department of Families Fairness and Housing under the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program and is auspiced by the City of Greater Geelong.

Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group

The Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group commenced in January 2022 to contribute to community ownership and participation in the direction and functions of the Grovedale Neighbourhood House. The Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group provides a valuable contribution to the strategic direction and development of Grovedale Neighbourhood House.

Expressions of Interest are now being sought from local community members aged 18+ to join the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

Membership of the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group is for two years, with the option to renew membership after this term. The Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group meets a minimum of six times per year, with meetings requiring a two-hour commitment. On occasion, additional hours may be required to assist with other Grovedale Neighbourhood House activities at the discretion of members. An orientation process to support the new members of the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group will be conducted.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group, the steps will involve:

  • Complete and submit the Expression of Interest application form below.
  • Answer the questions demonstrating you have the attributes to be a member of the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Group. (Refer to the Terms of Reference)
  • You will be provided with an application receipt once you have submitted the Expression of Interest form.
  • The City will undertake a short-listing process and applicants may be invited to attend a short online interview.
  • All applicants will be contacted once the recruitment process is finalised to confirm the outcome of their application.
  • Successful applicants will need to complete a National Police and Working with Children Check. The cost of which will be covered by the City.

If you have any questions in relation to the Expression of Interest process, see contact details under 'Who's Listening'.

Applications open Thursday 23 May and close 5pm Monday 24 June 2024.

Thank you for the time and interest you have shown in the Grovedale Neighbourhood House Steering Committee.

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The personal information requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Grovedale neighbourhood House committee EOI or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. Your personal information will only be disclosed as required to do so by law. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to privacy@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.