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In response to concerns about the lack of stormwater drainage for properties at 39, 41, 43,45 Camden Road and 34 Fairmont Road, we are considering a drainage upgrade (the above map shows the location).

Special Rates and Charge Scheme

Under the Local Government Act 1989, the costs for new or upgraded infrastructure which benefits a specific group of property owners can be levied as a special charge. The drainage upgrade is not considered to provide benefit to the wider community under our Special Rates and Charges (SRC) Policy and therefore will not receive a council contribution towards the cost of the works. Property owners will need to fund the full cost of works for the project to proceed.

The purpose of this engagement is to seek feedback to help us understand if there is enough support for the proposed upgrade to proceed under an SRC scheme in the future. We will be in contact with you again after the survey has closed to inform you of the outcome.

As a guide, we estimate the cost for the proposed upgrade to be around $15,000 per property.

If most property owners are supportive, we will prepare the designs in the 2024-25 financial year. Once the designs are completed, we will undertake further engagement with property owners. You will have another opportunity to share feedback with us at that time.

The proposed SRC scheme would then only proceed if a majority of responding property owners supported it.

More information about Special Rate and Charge schemes is available here.

Have your say

We encourage property owners to share their views by participating in a short survey. It is important that we hear your views so that the decision reflects true community feelings.

We want to know if you:

  • support the proposed drainage upgrade; and
  • are likely to contribute towards an SRC scheme in the future.

Please note that this survey closed at 5pm on Monday 26 February 2023.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name Alison McGorman, SRC Program Manager
Phone 03 5272 4608
Email engineeringplans@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Website yoursay.geelongaustralia.com.au/
In writing

PO Box 104 Geelong Vic 3220