Over the years, the City has received a number of requests for a footpath network in Indented Head.

We would like to understand if there is support to deliver a footpath network via our Special Rate and Charge (SRC) scheme process.

Our SRC schemes use joint financial contributions from property owners and the City to provide infrastructure or services that are of special benefit to a group of property owners.

Earlier conversations with the Indented Head community identified the following streets to form the footpath network:

  • Batman Road
  • Grieve Avenue
  • Helen Street
  • Henderson Street
  • Hood Road
  • Ibbotson Street
  • Jeffrey Street
  • Lewis Street
  • Martin Street
  • McDonald Street
  • Ozone Street
  • Pigdon Street
  • The Esplanade
  • Valda Avenue
  • Walpole Avenue

A map of the proposed works can be seen above. The map shows how the new footpaths would connect with existing footpaths to create the network.

We invite you to join the conversation by taking the short survey below. This will enable us to:

  • understand if the streets mentioned above are correct;
  • identify locations we may have missed; and
  • let us know if you support a footpath network in Indented Head as a cost sharing arrangement.

The proposed footpath network is in the early consultation stage and the exact cost per property is yet to be determined. We will be able to provide accurate costs after the detailed design is complete. As a guide, costs may range from $500 - $2500 per property depending on the funding model chosen by the community.

If supported, we will commence design in the 2022-23 financial year.

Please note that this survey closes at 5pm on Monday 14 November 2022.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact details below:

Name Alison McGorman, Project Manager
Phone 03 5272 4608
Email engineeringplans@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
In writing

PO Box 104 Geelong Vic 3220

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If we can assist any other way to help you provide your feedback please contact the project officer listed in the 'Contact Us" section of the page.