Mallaluka Avenue and parts of Newcomb Street and Asbury Street, Ocean Grove are currently unsealed roads. We have recently received requests to seal Asbury Street and are contacting property owners to see if you would like these roads sealed.

The roads are not scheduled to be upgraded as part of our capital works program and it is likely that the work would be done as part of our Special Rate and Charge scheme.

Before we proceed to the design stage, we would like to understand the level of support for the sealing of these roads.

Our early estimate is that property owners would be required to contribute about $10,000 to the project. This is an estimate only and we will provide more accurate figures after the detailed design is complete.

If supported, this road construction will be designed in the 2022/23 financial year and would take up to five years to complete.

Please indicate your preference via the survey below.

Feedback closes 5pm Friday 12 August 2022.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact details below:

Name Infrastructure Planning team
Phone 03 5272 5272
In writing

PO Box 104 Geelong Vic 3220

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If we can assist any other way to help you provide your feedback please contact the project officer listed in the 'Contact Us" section of the page.