
City of Greater Geelong’s Local Law is designed to secure community safety, protect public assets and enhance neighbourhood amenity. Local Laws affect everyone and relate to your property, animals, waste, business and your public places!

The Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law covers a wide range of local laws within our municipality as prescribed under Section 71 of the Local Government Act 2020. Our local law is due for review.

Last year we asked for your input on our local law, we are reaching out again to ensure we accurately captured your feedback, or if there are any areas we might have overlooked. Your feedback is a vital part in our planning process, guiding us in making decisions to ensure the law meets the needs of the local community.

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Stage 1 - Community engagement (June-July 2023)

Thank you to everyone who provided input, it is valued and appreciated. A summary report for Stage 1 of the project can be found here, or in the Document Library section of this page.

Stage 2 - Community engagement (April-May 2024)

Taking into account the feedback we received from our community in Stage 1, we've refined our document by eliminating eight clauses that are no longer relevant or duplicated elsewhere, simplifying language, ensuring gender neutrality, and updating measurements to metric terms.

We have also made significant changes to the following clauses:-

Clause 29 (p31) - Motor Bikes and Motorised Recreational Vehicles – changes to restrictions for riding on private land outside built up areas for recreational purposes.

Clause 51 (p45)- Building Work – Access, Storage, and Hours of Work – additional sub clause (5) added for residential building works

Clause 75f (p59)- Behaviour in Municipal Buildings – changes made to clarify who can access dressing rooms, showers and conveniences in municipal buildings.

Thank you again to everyone who provided feedback.

The internal working group is reviewing the feedback collected from community engagement stage 2 and is preparing a report /updated draft Local Law to report back to Council.

By following this project via the 'FOLLOW' button at the top left of the screen, you will stay updated as it progresses.

Once this stage of this engagement closes, we will review and take into account all the responses as we finalise the local law. Your opinions are greatly appreciated and will aid us in making decisions that will make the City of Greater Geelong a welcoming and safe environment for our community.

The personal information requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law 2024 or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. Your personal information will only be disclosed to carry out a deeper analysis of the data* or as required to do so by law. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to

*In order to gain a deeper understanding of the data provided to the City and improve our services to you, we may disclose the information you provide to us to AWS Comprehend which carry out analysis of the data. Your personal information may be disclosed to AWS Comprehend based in Sydney only in relation to the primary purpose of collection. View the following link for AWS Comprehend’s Data Privacy statement.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community engagement - Stage 1 (2023)

    Feedback period opens 2 June

    Feedback period closes 14 July, 5pm

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Data collated and analysed

    July - August 2023

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Feedback to the community

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law draft

    Early 2024

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Community Engagement - Stage 2

    Engagement on draft Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law - opens 24 April, 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - complete

    Community engagement closes

    5pm 22 May, 2024

  • Timeline item 7 - active

    Feedback collated and analysed

    Community feedback on draft Neighbourhood Amenity Local Laws

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete

    Report to Council

  • Timeline item 9 - incomplete

    Local Law in operation

    Late 2024