0% complete

A bit about you

1. Do you reside in one of the following suburbs? Required
2. What is your connection to the area? Required Select all that apply
3. How long have you lived on the Bellarine? Required
4. What is your age group? This helps us understand what is important to each demographic.
5. Are you affiliated with any of the following groups? Required Select all that apply.

Current - Southeast Bellarine Coastal Area

6. Rank the top 3 ways you USE the area? Once you've completed this survey, please also use our interactive map to input usage and locations.
Drag and drop in order of importance into boxes on the right.
Click the buttons to set the ranking, first button you click is becomes number 1, second button number 2 etc.
  1. Agricultural Areas #
  2. Accommodation Options #
  3. Beach & Ocean #
  4. Birdlife & Fauna #
  5. Cultural Heritage #
  6. Recreational Activities #
  7. Remnant Vegetation #
  8. Remoteness #
  9. Waterways and Lakes #
Drag and drop in order of importance into boxes on the right.
Click the buttons to set the ranking, first button you click is becomes number 1, second button number 2 etc.
  1. Change in Water Flows #
  2. Climate Change Impacts #
  3. Development #
  4. Dune Erosion #
  5. Pest Animals #
  6. Pest Plants #
  7. Damage to Cultural Heritage #

Future - Southeast Bellarine Coastal Area

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