The Assessment Area Map below is designed to record your local knowledge and insights on the project area.

This knowledge will also help inform our designs and locations for future water-related infrastructure to protect existing values and / or enhance these values through our blue-green design options to integrate water safely and sustainably within the landscape.

The existing 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood extent is also included as a point of reference. This extent is based on legacy data and modelling and is presented solely for the purposes of providing an indication of the existing flood risk profile and to assist the community in providing their input.

One of the outcomes of this investigation is to update this 1% AEP flood extent, based on the most recent catchment data, best practice flood modelling guidelines, and your valuable feedback.

Please note: The catchment boundary is still under review and will be modified slightly later when the hydrological modelling is complete.