• Expression of Interest closes 5pm Tuesday 8 April, 2025


The City of Greater Geelong (City) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) on the opportunity to lease part of the land at Abe Wood Reserve - located at 80 Edgerton Road, Lovely Banks.

The site consists of approximately two (2) hectares of land with an environmental significance overlay, and is zoned for public park and recreation.

We are seeking proposals from interested not-for-profit associations or community groups to enter a ground lease for land at the site and complete any redevelopment works to make the site fit for their proposed use.

The City will not financially or operationally assist in the fit out, redevelopment or ongoing operation of the site. The successful respondent will be responsible for all required works on the site and facilities in compliance with any required planning and building permits.

This EOI is an invitation to demonstrate your interest and provide your proposal on how the site could be used to meet the below objectives and achieve the desired outcome of this EOI.

We would also like to hear from our community about the City's intention to enter into a lease with a successful respondent. Submissions and feedback can be left below.

Aerial View

Aerial imagery of potential lease area

Potential lease area


Land area

  • Approximately two (2) hectares.

Restrictions, Encumbrances

  • None.


  • Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ).
  • Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO).
  • The land is within a designated bushfire prone area.
  • Native plants that are indigenous to the region and important for biodiversity might be present on this property. This could include trees, shrubs, herbs or grasses. There are a range of regulations that may apply including need to obtain a planning permit.


The subject property has the following services available:

  • Electricity
  • Mains water
  • Mains sewerage.

  • The objectives of this EOI are:

    • Identify the most appropriate use(s) for the site.
    • Maximise community benefit from the site.
    • Optimise usage of community facilities.
    • Expand the range of services available to the community.
    • Support Councils Strategic priorities as detailed in Our Community Plan 2021-2025.

    Currently, no permits have been issued for the use or development of the site. The submitter will be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and meeting all requirements for every aspect of their proposal.

    The respondent will be required to hold their own insurance as required by law and the contract conditions and will be required to provide evidence of this insurance coverage within seven days of it being requested by the City.

    The City will consider the most appropriate form of tenure based on submissions received.

    Initial tenure will be for a three (3) year period, with two (2) further options of three (3) years each.

    Additional requirements in relation to conditions and asset management and maintenance responsibilities will be negotiated at the offer stage.

    The City will consider the most appropriate fee structure based on the submissions received.

    The City's process for establishing the rent on City land is outlined below:

    • The City will establish the market rent for the premises with the market rental valuation providing clarity on the subsidy available.
    • The City offers community organisations subsidies for Market Rent, the level of subsidy depends on the type of community use lease category.
    • The City categorise Leases as follows:

    Under the community use category there are three different methods for calculating rent depending on whether they are:

    • Full community leases where there are no commercial activities, and the applicant demonstrates a low or medium capacity to generate profit, The Minimum Community Lease fee is $500 + GST pa.
    • Mixed-use community leases where there are commercial activities, and the applicant demonstrates a low or medium capacity to generate profit
    • High profit community leases where the tenant has a high capacity to generate profit from the use of the leased premises. It is irrelevant whether commercial activities are conducted or not.

    The rent paid by tenants for community use leases involves a subsidy from market rent. The level of subsidy depends on the type of community use lease category.

    The table below outlines each category and the summary of rent calculation:

    The proposed use must be permitted under the current zone, proposals for rezoning will not be considered.

    The purpose of the zone is:

    • To recognise areas for public recreation and open space;
    • To protect and conserve areas of significance where appropriate; and
    • To provide for commercial uses where appropriate.