Malbec Loop Reserve Playground in Waurn Ponds is a Local Playground located within walking or bike riding distance from homes, catering primarily for children aged 3-7 years, with standard access to all levels.

As part of the City's Play Strategy, this playground has been identified for renewal in 2023.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the proposed plan for the redesigned playground. It is proposed the redesign will include:

  • Double swing (toddler and all ages)
  • Totem spinner
  • Slide with step access
  • Climbing frame
  • Shop front
  • Rocker

Please view the plan below and provide your feedback by completing our short survey.


When we are renewing our playgrounds we will make sure there is:

  • somewhere to run;
  • somewhere to swing;
  • somewhere to slide; and
  • somewhere to climb.

The current playground equipment will be replaced with new equipment, a seat will be installed and trees planted for shade. The surface around the play equipment will remain as soft fall (playground safe tan bark).

This renewal does not include fixed shade structures, water play, an increase in playground size or change of playground hierarchy (i.e. this playground will remain a Local playground).

Malbec Loop Playground Images

View the existing playground and proposed playground redesign below.