Council authorised the sale of 5,456m2 of land at 43 The Boulevard, Norlane to Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative atit's meeting of 27 August, 2024.
The sale of the land will allow Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative to complete a significant redevelopment of its site, centralising the many services it provides to the community. It is anticipated that the land at 43 The Boulevard will enable the development of car parking after the sale.
Following the proposed sale, the City will retain part of the land, including the shared pathway, road reserve and public space, with the land authorised for sale deemed surplus to requirements.
The land will be sold at a value agreed upon between the City and Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative based on current market valuations.
The Greater Geelong City Council (Council), acting in accordance with section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) and the Community Engagement Policy, proposes to sell part of the land located at 43 The Boulevard, Norlane as shaded yellow in the plan below.
The City is proposing to sell approximately 5,456m² of public open space from the 12,500m² site to the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative.
The property abuts the co-operative’s site at 60-62 Morgan Street, North Geelong and would be incorporated into a planned redevelopment of its facilities to centralise its services.
The Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative requires additional land to achieve its goals for the redevelopment of their existing North Geelong Hub to accommodate an increase in service demand. A development of the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative North Geelong Hub will enable a consolidation of currently dispersed operations to one single site. The Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative North Geelong Hub site has been a place of gathering and connection with emphasis placed on sharing language, knowledge and traditions with their community. Connection to Country underpins the overall design, respectfully integrating elements of culture within spaces. The redevelopment will respond to a need for stronger community connection.
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