This engagement is closed

The online consultation period has now closed. Thank you for your contribution.



The Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) was passed by the Victorian Parliament in March 2020, replacing the Local Government Act 1989. This is the most significant reform to the local government sector in over 30 years.

The City is currently developing a Public Transparency Policy and Governance Rules, both of which are required to be adopted by 1 September 2020.

These documents are intended to formalise the City's commitment to good governance, as well as open and transparent decision-making.

At its Special Meeting held on 21 July 2020, Council endorsed drafts of these policies for community consultation until 12 August 2020. Council will consider adopting these policies on or before 1 September 2020 following consideration of feedback received through this consultation.

The community is invited to have its say on the draft documents for the next three weeks before finalising the documents.

We recommend that you please read the documents in the Document Library section of this page before providing your submission (or feedback).

A public transparency policy adopted under the Act must:

  • give effect to the public transparency principles
  • describe the ways in which Council information is to be made publicly available
  • specify which Council information must be publicly available, including all policies, plans and reports required under this Act or any other Act.

The draft Public Transparency Policy has been developed to formalise Council’s support for transparency in its decision-making processes and the public awareness of the availability of Council information.

The draft policy covers documentary information, process information and how information will be made available to the public and once adopted will become an integral part of Council’s Good Governance.

The requirement to adopt a set of Governance Rules replaces the Meeting Procedure Local Law required under the Local Government Act 1989 and must be made with respect to the conduct of Council meetings and meetings of delegated committees.

The Governance Rules must provide for Council to:

  • consider and make decisions on any matter being considered by the Council fairly and on the merits
  • institute decision making processes to ensure that any person whose rights will be directly affected by a decision of the Council is entitled to communicate their views and have their interests considered.

Submissions can be lodged:

Online below: or

By email at; or

Post to:

Director Governance, Strategy & Performance
City of Greater Geelong,
PO Box 104,
Geelong VIC 3220

The personal information requested on this form is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Public Transparency Policy and Governance Rules - LGA 2020 submissions or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. Your personal information will not be disclosed, except as required to do so by law. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to