• Engagement opens 21 March 2025

  • Engagement closes 5pm 27 April 2025


Help shape the future of Public Art in Greater Geelong.

The current Public Art Strategy for the City of Greater Geelong was developed in 2012 as a 10-year Strategy. We are now reviewing our program and we need your help.

Your feedback will assist us to develop a program for public art within our municipality, creating works that shape our City. With your assistance, we will identify potential sites for future public art development, assess growth and interest in public art throughout the City including new developments and the need to provide clarity and policy direction. We will work together with our diverse community to deliver public art outcomes that excite, inspire, showcase our living cultural heritage and reflect our cultural identity as a UNESCO City of Design.

What is Public Art?

Meaningful city design and planning includes urban and public art as an essential component, recognising that art makes a city attractive and interesting for both residents and visitors.

Public Art aims to enhance and activate public spaces, by giving expression to our stories, our people and our unique place. It plays an important role in the identity of Greater Geelong, the renewal of our urban areas, can be a focal point for cultural expression, storytelling and community conversation and contributes to the enrichment of our lives and celebration of who we are.

For Council to support these aims, we need diverse ideas, voices and people to be part of developing a new Public Art Strategy. Council has supported public art for a long time, but much has changed within the sector, the community and Council about representation, use of new technologies, updated approaches to public art.

We want your creative juices to flow and for you to share your experiences, ideas and stories to help shape the new Public Art Strategy… there are plenty of ways to get involved.

Our goal is to develop a clear direction for the public art strategy, establishing processes to drive a contemporary program and vision for the next ten years to meet the expectations of our creative community.

We will be engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders from our community, along with industry experts and organisational leaders, to gather ideas for the design and development of the new public art program.

We will also be reviewing the existing Public Art Strategy, and researching a range of related policies, strategies and frameworks that relate to this activity to inform our decision making.

Contribute your ideas to the Public Art Strategy

Your feedback is important to us. Please share your experiences, ideas, and stories to help shape the new Public Art Strategy, there are plenty of ways to get involved.

  • Complete the online survey. You can request a hard copy by contacting the officer listed in the 'Contact Us' section of this page.
  • Tell us your stories and experiences about your favourite public art either here in Geelong or elsewhere.
  • Show us Where - drop a pin on our map to highlight an existing public artwork that you value and why.
  • Come along to our workshops or drop in for a chat about public art, and what you think are the future priorities.
  • Feedback closes 5pm 27 April, 2025.

Opportunities to provide feedback online

In-person engagement opportunities

In addition to our online tools, there are a number of opportunities to provide feedback and ask questions in-person.
  • Come and Chat to the Team

    We're holding a series of drop-in sessions at Greater Geelong libraries. Come and chat to the team at any of these locations:

    Ocean Grove Library - Mon 7 April / 9.30am - 11.30am

    Drysdale Library - Tue 8 April / 10am - 12pm

    Geelong Regional Library - Tue 8 April / 2pm - 4pm

    Corio Library - Thu 10 April / 9:30am - 11:30am

    Armstrong Creek Library - Thu 10 April / 4pm - 6pm

    We look forward to meeting you and to hear your ideas for public art.

    Image: 'Poppykettle' - Robert Ingpen