Have Your Say

Understanding your perspectives on rates and revenue is essential to ensure we make fair, transparent, and community-focused decisions.

This survey is an essential tool for gathering insights on how our community feels about current rates, revenue allocation, and potential future changes.

Your feedback will help us identify priorities, address concerns, and shape a plan that aligns with your needs and expectations.

The survey should only take a few moments to complete.

We recommend you read the Four Year Revenue and Rating Plan (2021-25), and the two statements below prior to leaving your feedback.

Revenue and Rating Plan 2021 - 2025

• To maintain rate increases in alignment with State Government rate cap, unless significant circumstances warrant a request for a variation to the rate cap.

• Continue to align commercial, industrial and petroleum rate differentials over the medium term under the horizontal equity principle.

• Reduce the commercial, industrial and petroleum differentials relative to the residential differentials over the medium and long term as opportunities arise in the setting of the annual rate cap and valuation changes allow. The target state to be set in the range between 1.5 and 1.8 times the residential differential by 2031-32.

• Residential rates will, depending on the movement in valuations, need to increase at amounts higher than the rate cap over the medium and long term in order to reduce the relativity of the commercial and industrial rating differentials.

• The current Farm rebate is transitioned out over the medium term to allow all differential rates to be managed solely within the 4 times rule.

• The Farm rate differential to be set at 75% of the residential rates over the medium to long term.

• All rating differentials including vacant land, mixed use and other land use types will continue to be reviewed on an annual basis

• Compliance with the rate cap with no requests for a variation

• Commercial, industrial and petroleum rate in the dollar were aligned in 2022-23

• Industrial and petroleum differentials were consolidated with the commercial differential from 2023-24. Relativity for 2024-25 set at 194.7% with target of 180% for 2025-26 (to be confirmed).

• Residential rates have increased over the four years from average $1,334.95 to $1,544.78.

• Commercial/industrial rates have decreased from average $5,479.83 to $4,657.60.

• The Farm rebate was removed from 2024-25. The farm differential is set at 50.2% relativity to the residential differential.

• The 3 ‘Point’ differentials (The Point – Residential, The Point – Commercial, The Point – Vacant) were discontinued from 2023-24 as higher rates would not be introduced

The personal information and feedback (collectively the Data) requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong (City) for the purpose of the Revenue and Rating Plan 2025-26 to 2028-29 and any other directly related purpose (Project).

A de-identified engagement summary report may be published on our website.

If your personal information is not collected, the Project may not be able to be adequately conducted, and the City may not be able to contact you for further questions or to find solutions.

In order to collect and conduct in depth and detailed analysis of the Data for the purposes of the Project, the City will disclose the Data (including your personal information if provided) to its third-party service providers, including Social Pinpoint Pty Ltd, Converlens Pty Ltd and Amazon Web Services.

Other than as stated above, your personal information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, except as required or authorised by law.

Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to the City, please contact us by sending an email to privacy@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.