Thanks for being part of Tastes of Central Geelong 2023! We'd love to hear about your Tastes experience.

Complete this survey and go into the draw to win a Bialetti Moka Coffee Maker and Mug set from Chef's Essentials valued $119 and an $80 gift voucher bundle to spend at Market Square Shopping Centre and Westfield Geelong*!

This survey opens at 9.00am on Thursday 23rd March 2023 and closes at 5.00pm on Sunday 30th April 2023.

The personal information requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Tastes of Central Geelong program evaluation or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. Your personal information will only be disclosed to carry out a deeper analysis of the data* or as required to do so by law. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to

*In order to gain a deeper understanding of the data provided to the City and improve our services to you, we may disclose the information you provide to us to AWS Comprehend which carry out analysis of the data. Your personal information may be disclosed to AWS Comprehend based in Sydney only in relation to the primary purpose of collection. View the following link for AWS Comprehend’s Data Privacy statement and Converlens Pty Ltd Data Privacy statement.

Tastes of Central Geelong 2023 Participant Survey

Please tell us which Tastes activity/activities you attended or participated in? Required Please select all of the activities you attended or participated in.
Which Tastes activity would you like to provide feedback on? Required Please provide feedback on any Tastes activity you attended or participated in.
How did you find out about this Tastes activity? Please select all that apply.
On the day you attended or participated in this Tastes activity, did you do anything else in Central Geelong? Required Please tell us what else you did in Central Geelong on the day you attended this Tastes activity/activities. You can select more than one option.
The economic value of Tastes is a measure of its success. Please tell us how much you spent in Central Geelong on the day you participated in Tastes? Required
Please rate how much you agree with this statement. When attending or participating in Tastes: Required
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I felt connected to people in the community
I felt connected to people in the community
I felt safe and welcome
I felt safe and welcome
I felt proud of Central Geelong
I felt proud of Central Geelong
I enjoyed the vibrancy in Central Geelong
I enjoyed the vibrancy in Central Geelong
Tastes is an important event for Central Geelong
Tastes is an important event for Central Geelong
During Tastes I discovered new dining and hospitality businesses and experiences in Central Geelong
During Tastes I discovered new dining and hospitality businesses and experiences in Central Geelong
Central Geelong is a great place to spend time
Central Geelong is a great place to spend time
There are many fun and interesting experiences on offer in Central Geelong
There are many fun and interesting experiences on offer in Central Geelong
Is this the first time you have participated in the Tastes event? Required
Would you like to see Tastes continue in future? Required


Thanks for your feedback! Would you like to enter our competition? Go into the draw to win a Bialetti Moka Coffee Maker Set and an $80 gift voucher bundle for Market Square Shopping Centre and Westfield Geelong.

Thank you

Thank you for your feedback on the Tastes of Central Geelong 2023 event. Your feedback is so important to us!

Please click on the blue 'submit' button to ensure your feedback is captured.