
From time to time the City will share on this page, engagements underway that are relevant to residents of our municipality. These engagements are delivered by government agencies, organisations or businesses other than the City of Greater Geelong.

By clicking on one of the engagements below, you will be redirected to the website for that engagement. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy for that particular engagement before you provide your feedback.

If you would like to report any concerns or problems you have with one of these third party engagement please contact engagement@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.

For more information on the City of Greater Geelong's progress towards our target of net zero emissions by 2025 - visit here.

The National Relay Service is available as a phone solution for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.

To have content on the page read aloud to you, select text and click the listen icon that appears.

If we can assist any other way to help you provide your feedback please contact the project officer below.

This page is available in languages other than English.

To change the language click the button at the top right corner of this page and select your preferred language.

If you need an interpreter, call 131 450 or visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website for more information.