Both track designs include the following elements:

  • 1150m2 footprint raised for drainage
  • Asphalt surface
  • Designed for beginner and intermediate riders
  • Includes roller doubles allowing beginner riders to gently roll over and intermediate riders to gap jump
  • Linked turns included to challenge at speed and give a fun flowing roller coaster feel
  • 1.4m to 1.6m tall berms (corner/turns) with max steepness of 45 degrees
  • Grassed / planted batters

Key features of Design 1 include:

  • Single directional.
  • Riders can more easily line up with just one start point.
  • Riders don’t have to wait for a rider to finish their turn before beginning.
  • More users can ride at once but follow each other around a set direction.
  • Contains three fun continual linked turns. Gives a good feeling of flow.
  • Twin line options just after the start deliver user choice option on a single direction track to keep riders entertained longer.

View the concept plans as a PDF here or click through the images below.

Concept Plans for Design Option 1

Click on each image to enlarge.