Indented Head Woodland Nature Reserve Draft Master Plan
- Significant conservation reserve for City of Greater Geelong
- Demonstration site for indigenous regeneration techniques
- Ecological focus for visitor experiences
- Massive remnant redgum trees
- Vibrant native wildlife habitat
- Important habitat for bird species
- Contrasts of bushland and rural land
- Creek and redgum ecology
- Significant Freshwater Sedge Wetland.
- Engender conservation value for the new residents with ecological education for young and old residents
- Contemplation of the nature environment
- Sense of remoteness and tranquillity
- Sounds, colors and aroma of the bush.
Scroll further down the page to learn more about the reserve and its occupants.
The Map
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The reserve
The reserve is owned by the City and has a total area of approximately 13.6 hectares. It is managed by the City’s Environment Team with the aim of protecting its natural and cultural values and improving the quality of the biodiversity. The area was declared a nature reserve on the 11 June 2019, following a land exchange between the City and a developer. The land exchange was led and supported by the community, especially the Indented Head Community Association.
The reserve is characterised by open, cleared areas of exotic grassland to the north and west, interspersed by a wetland/woodland complex, containing large old trees and a small creek. The reserve has been modified from previous agricultural activities (i.e. grazing), land clearing and weed invasion. There are no paths or formal access.
Conservation management activities commenced in 2019 undertaken by the City’s Nature Reserves Team. These activities include but are not limited to;
- bush regeneration through weed management,
- measures to prevent unauthorised vehicle access to the site (such as bollards and fencing), and
- slashing to reduce biomass cover in the woodland understorey.
The Friends of Indented Head Woodland formed in 2019. The group meets twice a month to undertake targeted weed control activities.
The reserve contains one of the last remaining remnants of endangered Plains Grassy Woodland (EVC 55) on the Bellarine Peninsula as well as Grassy Woodland (EVC 175) and Plains Sedgy Wetland (EVC 645). There are several large old Red Gums scattered across the eastern part of the reserve. A wide variety of bird species have been surveyed and observed in the reserve, including Latham’s Snipe (listed as a vulnerable species in Victoria), Tawny Frogmouth, Rainbow Bee-eater, Eastern Spinebill, Rainbow Lorikeet and a large variety of passerines. Numerous species of birds of prey also use the reserve. Frog species including Spotted Marsh Frog and the Common Froglet inhabit the wetland and creek lines. Other plants of interest include Coastal Manna Gum Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. pryoriana and Dwarf Greenhoods Petrostylis nana.
Endangered Plains Grassy Woodland
The reserve contains one of the last remaining remnants of endangered Plains Grassy Woodland (EVC 55) on the Bellarine Peninsula as well as Grassy Woodland (EVC 175) and Plains Sedgy Wetland (EVC 645). There are a number of large old Red Gums scattered across the eastern part of the reserve.Plants
Other plants of interest include Coastal Manna Gum Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. pryoriana and Dwarf Greenhoods Petrostylis nanaWeeds
Weeds include Flax-leaf Broom, Boneseed, African Boxthorn Lycium ferocissimum, Gorse Ulex europaeus, Bridal Creeper Asparagus asparagoides, Briar Rose Rosa rubignosa and Blackberry Rubus fruticosus.Wide variety of Birds
Have been surveyed and observed in the reserve , including Latham Snipe (listed as a vulnerable species in Victoria), Tawny Frogmouth, Rainbow Bee-eater, Eastern Spinebill, Rainbow Lorikeet and a large variety of passerines. Numerous species of birds of prey also use the reserve.Frog
Frog species including Spotted Marsh Frog and the Common Froglet inhabit the wetland and creek lines.