The City has received requests to improve the condition of unsealed roads in the Lower Bluff, St Leonards.

The main concerns with the current material are dust in dry weather and mud in wet weather.

The most effective solution to remove dust and mud is to seal the roads. But we understand that may you like to keep the roads as they are.

We'd like to hear from you on the following options.

Seal the main spine roads

  • Improve surface drainage and seal the main spine roads to reduce the seasonal dust and mud issues.
  • The proposed spine roads include Cliff Street, Henry Crescent, Wattlehill Grove and parts of Ord Street, Beach Road and Swan Parade.
  • A map of the proposed spine roads can be viewed here.
  • It is proposed to keep the open drains and install culverts with driveable end walls under driveways. See an example on the home page.

    Seal all roads

    • Improve surface drainage and seal all roads in the Lower Bluff.
    • Includes all unsealed roads as indicated by the shaded area in the map (here).
    • It is proposed to keep the open drains and install culverts with driveable end walls under driveways. See an example on the home page.

    Keep the current road surface

    • No changes to the road material.
    • The road surface will remain unchanged and will be inspected annually to identify any major hazards, risks or defects.
    • The roads would continue to be maintained as per our Road Management Plan.
    0% complete

    About you

    Please provide an email address if you would like the outcome of the survey sent to you via email.
    What's your connection with the shaded area of the Lower Bluff? Required Please tick all that apply

    Proposed options

    We have identified several roads as "main spine" roads that would see more traffic than other roads. Do you agree with the proposed main spine roads? Required
    Please indicate your preferred option Required
    5 = Most preferred
    1 = Least preferred
    0 = Not preferred
    Seal the main spine roads (as indicated by the blue lines on the map)
    Seal the main spine roads (as indicated by the blue lines on the map)
    Seal ALL roads in the Lower Bluff (as indicated by the shaded area on the map)
    Seal ALL roads in the Lower Bluff (as indicated by the shaded area on the map)
    Keep the roads as they are
    Keep the roads as they are
    Other (please provide details in the comments below)
    Other (please provide details in the comments below)
    Industry research suggests reducing the speed of traffic from 50kph to 40kph is likely to reduce dust levels by up to 50%. We'd like to know if you would support reducing the speed limit on the unsealed roads to 40km/hr for a 12 month trial?

    About the Lower Bluff

    Use your local knowledge to tell us about the unsealed roads in the Lower Bluff Required
    The roads are fine as they are. No changes are needed
    The roads are fine as they are. No changes are needed
    Fixing the dust is more important than reducing the mud
    Fixing the dust is more important than reducing the mud
    Unsealed roads add to the coastal charm
    Unsealed roads add to the coastal charm
    Sealing the main spine roads will help reduce dust without needing to seal all roads
    Sealing the main spine roads will help reduce dust without needing to seal all roads
    You may like to provide additional feedback on the unsealed roads