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Map of  unsealed Roads in Lower Bluff

Proposed roads to be sealed.

The City has received complaints about dust within the Lower Bluff area of St Leonards predating 2008. In 2008, the City undertook a Special Rates and Charges scheme community consultation to determine if the local community was willing to support upgrading 12 local roads to a sealed surface. At that time, 115 respondents of the 228 properties surveyed did not support sealing.

In 2019, roads in the Lower Bluff area of St Leonards were resheeted as part of our unsealed road renewal program. A single cut material was used for all works within the resheeting program for 2019 and 2020, which was sourced from Tucker Excavations Quarry (known as ‘Tuckers Gravel’). The material was selected based on the geotechnical evaluation data as it aligned with the Australian Road Research Board’s (AARB) unsealed road specifications.

Since the Lower Bluff was resheeted, we continue to receive complaints from some residents, suggesting the dust has worsened since the Tuckers Gravel was applied.

During 2021, in response to continued complaints associated with Tuckers Gravel, we undertook community engagement to determine what we could do for the St Leonards residents. We surveyed more than 250 properties to understand the community’s ideas on potential solutions suitable for the Lower Bluff area. We received 153 responses – and outside of speed restrictions and some additional regulatory signage (which has been implemented), the majority of respondents (75) indicated that they wanted to: “Keep the roads as they are”.

Complaints have continued and therefore, we are re-engaging with the Lower Bluff residents with 3 options on how we can assist you:

Option 1Remove current material (Tucker gravel) from roads and replace with CoGG 8 gravel. The original gravel on these roads is no longer available.
Option 2Seal all roads in Lower Bluff to reduce dust and mud issues.
Option 3Keep the current road surface and maintain the roads in accordance with our Road Management Plan. The road surface will remain unchanged and will be inspected annually to identify any major hazards, risks or defects.

We will update you in July with the outcome from the survey. In the meantime, you can report a road issue (e.g. pot holes) via geelongaustralia.com.au or by calling 5272 5272.