Thank you to everyone who attended the recent Road Management Plan workshops!

We’ve successfully wrapped up both sessions and are grateful for the valuable insights you shared. Your feedback is instrumental and will be presented to our internal stakeholders for consideration as we move forward.

Project Background

Road Management Plan Review 2025

The City manages over 2,000 km of roads, more than 2,300 km of paths, 86 major culverts and almost 150 bridges. The Road Management Plan 2025 outlines the City’s approach to how we manage these roads, kerbs and footpaths. This includes how often roads and footpaths are inspected, what defects the City repairs, how severe a defect needs to be to require repair and how long the City has to repair defects.

The Municipal Road Management Plan (RMP) is the City's guiding maintenance document for roads, kerbs and footpaths.

Where to from here...
We’ve completed the first stage of our Road Management Plan review and are now preparing for the next steps. After gathering input from internal key stakeholders during Stage 2, we’ll share a draft plan for further community feedback (Stage 3) to ensure it reflects the community’s expectations.

We recommend you follow the page (click the follow button in the banner above) to receive notification when Stage 3 is open for feedback.

By sharing your experiences and insights, you’ll play an important role in shaping a plan that supports safe and reliable infrastructure for everyone.

Did you know the City manages:-