
The City of Greater Geelong is proposing to rename the following roads in Mt Duneed:

  • Pearlrock Drive to Freedom Drive, Mt Duneed.
  • Absalom Street to Stream Street, Mt Duneed.

The existing names of Pearlrock and Absalom were chosen prior to subdivision of the adjoining allotment and were always temporary road names. Temporary road names are utilised when the road is not navigable from point A to point B during subdivision processes.

The renaming of these roadways is being completed in accordance with the Naming Rules for Places in Victoria and to ensure public safety is met with clear and logical numbering and naming of roadways.

Submissions in regards to these renamings are open until Monday 23 December, 2024.

Please submit your submissions below.

Understand our naming process and have your say on proposed place and road names

The City is responsible for creating or changing the names of places and roads and for allocating numbers to properties within the municipality.

Appropriate naming is essential for identifying locations when managing emergencies and delivering goods and services.

New names must comply with the State Government’s Naming Rules for Places in Victoria (Statutory requirements for naming roads, features and localities 2016), which were established under the Geographic Place Names Act 1998. The renaming of this roadway is being completed in accordance with those rules.

Submissions in regards to this renaming are open until Monday 23 December 2024.


Community members can make a submission using one of the multiple options below:

Property & Valuations,
City of Greater Geelong,
Wadawurrung Country,
PO Box 104,
Geelong VIC 3220

All submissions must be received by 5pm Monday 23 December 2024.

To ensure your submission is valid please include your name, postal address, a contact phone number, email address (if you have one) and details of your submission.

Please click on the tile you wish to leave feedback on

You may leave feedback on more than one area if required.