Absolutely! You can find the contact details under 'Contact Us'. You can call or email us to give your feedback and we'll put it on the online system for you. Alternatively, we can send you a hardcopy form of our online tool which we'll also transfer online.

All suggested names must comply with the Naming Rules. Names that recognise our diverse multicultural

community, notable women who have made an impact on our City, and our Indigenous history are highly encouraged.

  • Principle A - Ensuring public safety
  • Principle B - Recognising the public interest
  • Principle C - Linking the name to place
  • Principle D - Ensuring names are not duplicated with a 5km radius
  • Principle E - Recognition and use of Traditional Owner languages - Traditional Owner languages are often based on location; languages are deeply rooted to the land and offer an ideal opportunity to connect a name to a place. The use of Traditional Owner languages enables the wider community to be educated about Traditional Owner history and shared culture
  • Principle F - Names must not discriminate or be offensive
  • Principle G - Gender equality - Gender equality in the naming of roads, features and localities is encouraged
  • Principle I - Using commemorative names – names of people who are still alive must be avoided
  • Principle J - Using commercial and business names must be avoided
  • Principle K – Language - easy to pronounce, spell and write, and preferably not exceed three words
  • Principle L - Directional names to be avoided

The following resources on Geographical Names website may be useful to understand the naming rules and place naming process. This can be found here The naming rules (land.vic.gov.au)