Three rounds of extensive consultation through 2019 and 2020 and then again in 2022, helped us to understand the needs of future users and surrounding communities. Through school and public workshops, online surveys and meetings we gathered information about what was most important to them.

The first round of engagement was conducted in November 2019. We asked the community to tell us what types of elements and experiences they wanted to see included in the playspace.

We discovered that natural green space, shade, multi-aged experiences, toilet location, cleanliness and nature play are all important. Top play experiences include swinging, climbing, sensory play, water play and nature play.

The second round of engagement was held in July/August 2020. We used this round of engagement to share the draft concept design and raise awareness of the project.

The draft concept plans were created using the data we collected from round 1. We included the suggested elements and experiences into our Final Concept Design and presented it back to the community during the third round of engagement.

The majority of the feedback we received through this process was supportive of the concept plans.

Engagement Summary documents can be found here:

children showing their drawn ideas for the playspace