Rippleside Inclusive Playspace Detailed Design



Rippleside Inclusive Play Space will be a unique place where people of all ages and abilities will be able to play together. Universal design principles have been used to create considered layouts that offer broad choice of activities and types of play.

The design aims to be safe, encourage social interactions, provide amenity for all users and appeal to all of our senses.

The City has partnered with the Touched By Olivia Foundation (and previously Variety – the Children’s Charity) to deliver this exciting project.

Rippleside Inclusive Play Space will replace the current playground located at Rippleside Park on Wadawurrung Country, 42 Bell Parade, Rippleside.

In developing the design for an inclusive playspace, we have considered:

  • the community input received, seeking to accommodate a broad range of the community, particularly;
    • children and families with lived experience of a disability
    • local residents
    • local school children
  • the advice and experience of the playspace designers,
  • the advice and experience of experts in the field of education, access and inclusion
  • the aim of high levels of inclusivity and accessibility for people of all abilities,
  • the size of the Rippleside regional park and the proposed footprint of the new playspace, and
  • the budget available.

The project will also include the upgrade of park amenities such as the toilet block (including a Changing Places facility), connecting path to the Bay Trail, accessible carparking spaces, additional seating and picnic facilities on the outside of the fenced playspace.

This current stage of engagement is our third and final round of engagement before we proceed to construction.

Please review the plans and 3D renders below and provide your feedback either via the "Quick Poll" or in more detail via the "Tell us your thoughts" button. Feedback closes Sunday 17 July.

Quick Poll

Do you support the proposed plans?

This poll has concluded.

  • 😊 YES - it looks like a great place to play
    75% (236 votes)
    4% (13 votes)
  • 🙁 NO - I don't like the plans
    20% (64 votes)
Total Votes: 313

Tell us your thoughts

Feedback closed Sunday 17 July.

Old fence picket collection

We are investigating the possibility of making the pickets available for collection.

Share your Rippleside Playground stories with us

Rippleside Playground has brought over 20 years of joy to thousands of children and families. We want you to share your stories, photos and even videos of your favourite memories of the playground to help us celebrate.

Click on 'post your memory' below to share your story through words or images.

Disclaimer: By clicking on the 'post your memory' box, you are confirming the photo you are posting (if relevant) is of yourself and/or your child and you have permission to use the image. You are agreeing to the Social Media Guidelines (in the 'Links' section of this page) and you are aware of your responsibilities. The City may use the image provided for the purposes of promoting the Rippleside Inclusive Playspace as well as other marketing activities related to the project.