This scheme has now been finalised.
At it's meeting on 26 October 2021 Click here, Council Declared a Special Rate and Charge scheme in response to requests from residents to seal and upgrade the kerb and channel currently in place in Birnam Court, Belmont.
As outlined in the Local Government Act 1989, Levy notices were sent to all benefiting property owners who had a 28 day window to make a submission to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). Submissions closed at 5pm on Monday 6 December 2021. No applications were received at VCAT.
A tender to construction companies to carry out these works will take place in mid-2022. Residents will be notified when these works are due to commence.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Project Commences
Project Initiation commenced in 2021
Timeline item 2 - complete
Community Engagement
Impacted property owners are invited to have their say on the proposed footpath via our survey.
Timeline item 3 - complete
Community Feedback Reviewed
Timeline item 4 - complete
Community informed of next steps
Letters were sent to all potentially affected property owners on 30 June 2021 informing that Council had resolved it's intention to declare the scheme at it's meeting on 22 June 2021.
Timeline item 5 - complete
Intention to Declare Submission period open
The submission period is now closed.
Timeline item 6 - complete
Submission Review
One submission was received and was considered by Council.
Timeline item 7 - complete
Declaration report presented to Council
Council Declared the SRC scheme at its meeting on 26 October 2021.
Timeline item 8 - complete
Residents informed of the outcome
Benefitting property owners have been advised of teh outcome from the Council meeting held 26 October 2021. The outcome of the Declaration has been published in teh miunutes of the October Council meeting.
Timeline item 9 - complete
Opportunity to object to VCAT
Benefitting property owners now have the opportunity to object to VCAT (Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal). Submissions close at 5pm on Wednesday 8 December 2021.
No applications were received at VCAT - 9/12/21.
Timeline item 10 - complete
Contract tender process / Procurement
An advert will be placed to invite tenders from construction companies to perform these works in mid 2022. Once closed, these tenders will be assessed to decide on the best company to carry out these works. A contract will then be drawn up and signed. Residents will be notified when the works will commence.