Stage 1 Engagement wrap-up

To understand the needs of young people in Geelong, the City commenced engagement in January 2024 with young people, youth service providers, parents, teachers, and the local community to inform the design of the Geelong Youth Hub’s governance and operational models, location, and the physical space for the hub. We heard from more than 1226 people!

Engagement Summary Reports now available

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Click on the buttons below for the summary and detailed engagement reports.

Have Your Say

Stage 1 engagement ran from 5 January - 15 March 2024.
  • Information Session

    An information session to learn more about the Geelong Youth Hub - pilot was held on Thursday 1 February, 4.30-6pm.

  • Co-design workshops

    Two co-design workshops were held with young people (12-25) to work together to design a fun, safe and welcoming dedicated youth hub:

    Monday 19 February, 4.30pm - 6pm and

    Wednesday 13 March, 4.30pm - 6pm