Community engagement has closed.

Contributions to this engagement has now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

Budget update 2024

We are happy to advise that there has been excellent progress in funding improvements to Aldershot Reserve in line with the Masterplan.

In January this year we announced that a fenced dog park would be built in the reserve, funded by the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure fund. Works have commenced on site and are expected to be complete by mid-year. Path renewal works across the reserve will also be undertaken in conjunction with the dog park.

During its 23 April meeting, our Council released its draft 2024-25 to 2027-28 budget for community feedback.

The draft budget includes funding for the next stage of master plan works at Aldershot Reserve. The final project budget and scope of works will be confirmed subject to the outcome of a grant application that the City has submitted to the Victorian Government's Regional Community Sports Infrastructure Fund.

We encourage you to visit the Proposed 2024-25 to 2027-28 Budget Have Your Say page and provide feedback on the budget. The engagement period closes at 5pm on 22 May.

A final budget will be endorsed during the Council’s June meeting, once all feedback has been considered.

Grant application outcomes are expected to be announced from July. Once the total project budget is confirmed the next steps will be to undertake detailed design followed by construction.


As part of the City's playground renewal program, and in line with the City's Play Strategy, we are commencing design to renew the Aldershot Reserve playground.

Aldershot Reserve is a district level community park located in Aldershot Drive, St. Albans Park.

The Reserve has existing amenities including junior play equipment, basketball half court, shelter, BBQ, and pedestrian path network. The reserve is landscaped with a few trees.

In 2020/1 Council worked with the community to develop a new master plan for the reserve to better meet the needs of local residents. The master plan was endorsed in March 2021. The master plan includes planning for an entry garden, improved path network, new play space, pump track, dog park, open spaces, and fitness area.

This playground renewal project will provide a district level play space for the local community. This project is to create a community-led concept plan of a play space with supporting amenities such as concrete paths, new shelter, park furniture, landscaping, and trees.

Play spaces can be categorized into a hierarchy of five different tiers, depending on its purpose, size, catchment and the opportunities available. The hierarchy is as follows:

  • Local – smallest play space, located close to homes, providing a smaller range of play opportunities and amenities, with a catchment of 400m.
    • although activities are offered they are not as extensive as those offered in district and regional play spaces;
    • have open space for informal games;
    • offer multi-activity play equipment including swings, slides and climbing elements.
  • District - provide a wider range of play opportunities than local play spaces and cover a greater catchment area (up to 2 km). They are strategically located within larger reserves or sporting reserves and cater for a range of age groups.
    • have open space for informal games;
    • provide some all-abilities play elements;
    • have amenities such as toilets and shelters.
  • Regional – largest play space, providing a broad range of play opportunities and amenities, with a catchment of 10km or more.

When we are renewing our playgrounds, we will make sure there is:

  • somewhere to run;
  • somewhere to swing;
  • somewhere to slide; and
  • somewhere to climb.

The current playground equipment will be replaced with new equipment with other supporting infrastructure such as concrete paths, park furniture, new shelter, trees and landscaping.

  • There are currently over 380 public play spaces managed and maintained by the City of Greater Geelong and an additional 62 supervised early childhood centre-based play spaces.
  • All City playgrounds are monitored regularly to ensure that they are free from defects and meet current Australian standards.
  • Playgrounds are on a monitored playground upgrade schedule that is reassessed annually.
  • Play spaces provide challenges and stimulating environments to allow users to explore their boundaries, provide opportunities for exploration, discovery and learning, and will encourage users to make decisions for themselves and have control of their play.

Help shape the playground.

What do you like about the current playground and want to keep? What would you love to see added or improved?

Your feedback will help shape our draft concept design and ensure the new playground meets the needs of you and your family into the future.

Please visit one or more of the feedback options below to have your say.

  • Our online survey below to provide your feedback. You can request a hard copy by contacting the officer listed in the 'Who's Listening' section of this page.
  • What playground equipment would you like to see in Aldershot Reserve? Click on the 'You decide" tile below to tell us.
  • Come and chat to our team at the reserve.
  • Chat to your children and record their response below.
  • Come and chat to our officers

    Thank you to everyone who attended one of our on site sessions. Your feedbck is valued.

We would like to hear from the young people in your life!

What playground equipment would you like to see in your new playground?

We respectfully ask that parents or caregivers be mindful to the voice of the child and please ensure that the answers provided are the child's responses, and not influenced by your opinions (older children can type their own responses). Please note your are limited to 140 characters and your username and response will be shown publicly.

9 December, 2023

Melissa h says:

Splash park, skate park, a wonderland of nature and exploring adventures. Such as in built caves, rocks to climb, bush area to walk around,

7 December, 2023

Marley 1656 says:

Why renew the playground when there is another one virtually across the road in another park, build a lake and walking tracks for bird life.

5 December, 2023

Rod says:

A fenced dog park similar to the one between the James Harrison and Moorabool St bridges, a larger shaded playground, seating and trees.

3 December, 2023

Pauline says:

A playground for all ages and abilities. Maybe outdoor gym equipment. Toilet, shelter and bbq, keeping basketball court. Water park area.

3 December, 2023

Sheryle says:

Please include a fenced dog area as proposed

2 December, 2023

Jane says:

Please add the fenced in dog park!! And a shade over any playground equipment upgrade.

1 December, 2023

Teegan says:

I understand we are doing a playground however the reserve is so big I was wondering if we could section some off for a dog playground.

30 November, 2023

Amy says:

They would Love to have a water play to adventure more swings and spinning things and play area for dogs even bike track with traffic light

30 November, 2023

Wayne hunt says:

Tennis courts

30 November, 2023

Aquilar says:

Bike-pump track and good basketball court

29 November, 2023

Lbyron says:

The park needs a men made lake with tail around it n toilets n cafe/kisok plus actives along the tail in different points like a circuit

28 November, 2023

Mitch says:

Climbing play ground equipment for kids. Adventure playground with a slide

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