Council adopts Pakington North UDF

On Tuesday 28 May 2024, Councillors adopted the Pakington North Urban Design Framework. This is a major step towards shaping the future of Pakington North community.

The final UDF will inform a planning scheme amendment process, which will involve provide further opportunity for community feedback. The UDF will be used to guide future growth and development including built form outcomes, streetscape design, movement and access, land use, and assist in the assessment of future development proposals.

May 2024 Update - Pakington North Urban Design Framework

The Pakington North Urban Design Framework (UDF), endorsed by a community panel for Council consideration, is now available for the broader community to view below.

This UDF from the Panel will be considered by Council for adoption at its 28 May council meeting.

After 20 hours of deliberative engagement on the themes of Built Form, Public Realm and, Access and Movement, the last session on 18 April saw a majority of the Panel indicating that they were comfortable or very comfortable to progress the UDF to a Council Meeting for consideration and adoption. During the final session the community panel was also given time to consider whether anything was missing in the UDF and provide additional feedback.

The Final Pakington North Urban Design Framework responds to recommendations on built form, access and movement within and around the Pakington North precinct, streetscape improvements and open space. Recommendations were made based on criteria the panel set, including that the recommendations be realistic, enhance liveability, provide flexibility for future development options and take a holistic design approach.

The Pakington North Engagement Summary Report provides details on sessions that informed the UDF, the response to final feedback explains how the feedback provided on the Draft UDF that was presented to the Community Panel on 18 April (last session), was considered and reflected in the Final UDF, while the summary of changes provides clarity to the updates made. An updated Final Pakington Street (Geelong West) and Gordon Avenue Urban Design Framework is also available, with minor updates to remove references to Pakington North Precinct as relevant.

These documents are also available in the document library.

April 2022 update

Community engagement for Pakington North Precinct is scheduled to start in mid-June 2022 and will run for four weeks. The engagement aims to clarify the intent of proposed building controls and help residents and stakeholders better understand the process that led to the proposed built form controls and potential development outcomes for this area.

The engagement comprises:

• A series of explanatory videos on the role of a UDF, the process for developing a UDF, the key drivers for the UDF in Geelong West, and how the key controls were developed.

• A 3D online model of the precinct that will enable the community to digitally navigate through the future precinct on foot.

• An online webinar to address some key community concerns. Questions to be addressed in the webinar will be submitted in advance.

• A series of neighbourhood meetings, to be held in-person on street, to address key specific concerns.

If you haven’t already, please follow the page to get the latest updates on this engagement. The dates for the release of the videos, the webinar and the neighbourhood discussions will be posted in due course. All residents within the study area will also receive a letter outlining the approach and dates.

December 2021 update

This engagement has now closed. To stay up to date, please click on the +Follow button in the header.

On Tuesday 14 December 2021, Councillors adopted the Gordon Avenue and the Heritage Core Precincts of this UDF, and supported further community engagement for Pakington North Precinct.

Further engagement for Pakington North Precinct will be undertaken in early 2022 to clarify the intent of proposed building controls.

The final UDF will inform a planning scheme amendment process, which will involve provide further opportunity for community feedback.

The UDF will be used to guide future growth and development including built form outcomes, streetscape design, movement and access, land use, and assist in the assessment of future development proposals.

If you have questions in the meantime please email or write to the Urban Design and Heritage Unit at Wadawurrung Country, PO Box 104, Geelong, VIC 3220.

View the Final UDF

Gordon Avenue and Heritage Core Precincts of this UDF are adopted. Further community engagement will be undertaken for Pakington North Precinct.

The personal information requested on this form is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Pakington Street (Geelong West) and Gordon Avenue UDF - Release of Interim Final or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. In this engagement your User Name will be published with your comment, if you wish to make a non-public comment please contact the engagement officer listed. Your personal information will not be disclosed, except as required to do so by law. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to

Project Update