
The City of Greater Geelong is seeking feedback from the Greater Geelong community to inform future planning of the Barwon River Loop Trail and the Bay Trail Revitalisation shared trails.

A shared trail can be defined as a path or corridor which is used concurrently by multiple types of users, each with a unique set of requirements and preferences. The shared trail network can be used for a variety of reasons, and has a number of benefits, depending on location, surrounds and proximity to attractions.

The City’s Shared Trails Master Plan identified a number of gaps in the shared trail network and sets out a plan for the City’s future shared trails. The Plan identifies gaps and trail deficiencies within and between towns which limit social connections or where there are no alternative transport options.

A lack of connectivity can also impact tourism opportunities through new experiences built around active transport and shared use of trails. The lack of connections impacts all ages, genders and abilities but has a greater impact on people who have fewer transport options or accessibility needs.

We are seeking community input on ideas to help inform the design concepts for active shared trail projects to build better community connections and grow tourism.

We are currently seeking feedback on two projects: the Barwon River Loop Trail and the Bay Trail Revitalisation.

The City's Shared Trail Master Plan was endorsed in 2020 and directs the future planning of shared trails across the municipality.

In the development of this Plan, we engaged with the community between July and August 2019, to ensure the development of the Master Plan was well informed and served the needs of the community.

The community engagement program included an online map-based engagement platform via social pin point; and face-to-face 'pop up' sessions held across the City.

The community was asked to identify gaps and missing links in the shared trails network, and provide feedback on the proposed assessment framework to be used to prioritise improvements.

These responses, along with the outcomes of the stakeholder engagement, led to the prioritisation of future planning for shared trail projects across the City.

We had an amazing response and want to thank everyone for their valuable insights.

Your feedback is a vital part of our planning, and helps us make decisions to ensure our shared trail projects meet the needs of the local community.

The Barwon River Loop Trail project has been put on-hold. We will inform the community when it resumes.

A second round of engagement for the Bay Trail Revitalisation project will occur, seeking feedback on the draft concept plan.

Feedback from the community and any recommendations for change will be presented to Council for consideration in 2023/2024.

The adopted shared trail project concept plans will be published on the City's website, and here on our Have Your Say page. An updated summary report will also be published on this page, which will include what we heard and what changes were made in response to feedback.

Your Feedback

Shared Trails Projects

Stage 1 Feedback has now closed. Stage 2 engagement for the Bay Trail Revitalisation draft concept plan is now open. Follow the links below to each project to find out more.