
September 2023 Update - Project On-Hold

The City of Greater Geelong has placed this project on-hold due to challenges presented in the recent budget. Updates on the continuation of this project will be provided to the community when available.

January 2023 Update - Engagement Summary Report

The City of Greater Geelong invited the community and user groups to provide feedback on current issues and ideas to help inform the design concept for the Barwon River Loop Trail. This report presents the broad range of values, ideas and aspirations expressed by community members and stakeholders during the Stage 1 engagement period, from November to December 2022. View the engagement summary report here or in the Document Library on this page.

The City of Greater Geelong is seeking input from the community and user groups on current issues and ideas to help inform the design concept for the Barwon River Loop Trail.

The Barwon River Loop Trail project is a 700-metre shared trail which will extend the existing trail from Mt Brandon Reserve and cross over the Barwon River to create a loop trail. The project will include planning and design for a bridge crossing over the Barwon River from Mt Brandon Reserve on the Southern side of the river in Highton, providing a link to existing and future trails on the northern side of the river in Fyansford. The trail will also provide connections to existing trails in the south including the Ted Wilson Trail.

The Barwon River Loop Trail project is integral to connecting communities and growing tourism within the City of Greater Geelong. As identified in the City’s endorsed Shared Trails Master Plan and Mt Brandon Reserve Landscape Plan, the Barwon River Loop Trail will contribute to the completion of a return loop for the Barwon River Trail in the future, connecting to the broader shared trail network. The completion of the loop trail will be planned as part of a staged process, indicating how the bridge will fill the 300-metre gap on the northern side of the Barwon River to connect to existing trails off De Goldis Road, Fyansford.

The aim of this project is to develop a Plan that sets out the necessary program and resources for creating an integrated off-road shared trail experience, addressing issues and opportunities for creating a loop trail and linking to existing trails within the area.

Your feedback is important to us. We are taking feedback from the 28 November 2022 until 5pm 31 December 2022. Provide your input via our Quick Poll or have your say in more detail via one or more of the options below.

Share your ideas with the Project Team in person or online before the 31 December, 2022.

  • Talk To Us

    Discuss your feedback and ideas with the Project Team:

    • Attend a Community Drop-in Session:

    Thursday 1 December, 4pm - 6pm

    Saturday 10 December, 10am - 12pm

    Mt Brandon Reserve (corner of Stoneleigh Crescent & Majestic Drive) Highton.

    (Click the 'Follow' button to be alerted if more drop in sessions are scheduled).

    No registration required, just drop in to chat to the Project Team.

To stay informed on this project

Click on the "+follow" button in the banner. A summary of the feedback received will be shared with the community in early 2023.