257 The Esplanade, Ocean Grove (4W - 5W)

257 The Esplanade, Ocean Grove (4W - 6W)

Current dog orders: Seasonal dogs on leash/off leash

Proposed dog orders: Dogs prohibited

The natural and cultural values of Buckley Park Foreshore are highly significant which is why we propose no dogs be permitted all year round.

This site is the most successful breeding site for the vulnerable shorebird, the Hooded Plover ("Hoodies") in the region.

Climate change and erosion and increasing pressure from people and dogs is impacting the Hoodies survival. We need to reduce the threats we can to give them some chance of successfully breeding and surviving.

In the Conservation Action Plan: Hooded Plover, City of Greater Geelong: The Goal: To have an annual breeding success at least 0.4 - 0.5 fledglings per breeding pair.

In the Southeast Bellarine Coast (4W - Collendina) Coastal Marine Management Plan, 2022 in Objective Two Protect and enhance the marine and coastal environment, Action D Deliver the Hooded Plover protection program – Reassess dog controls to ensure the projection of the Hooded Plover and other beach dwelling fauna. (Note final CMMP going to Council for endorsement at October 2022 meeting).

In the Birdlife report Beach- nesting and Migratory Shorebirds and their threats on City of Greater Geelong ocean beaches, 2022: Recommendation 2: A change in dog regulations along the Buckley Park foreshore from approximately 4W to 5W access points to encompass the Collendina Pigfarm and Point Lonsdale west of 4W sites from ‘On leash (Sept-April)/Off Leash) (May to Aug)’ to ‘No Dogs.

Natural values

The beach is remote so acts as a haven for marine and avian wildlife such as Hooded Plovers and other beach frequenting birds.

Hooded Plovers are listed as vulnerable under both the Federal Environment and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999 and Victoria’s the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, 1988, with approximate 710 Hooded Plovers occurring in Victoria (Birdlife Biennial Count 2020).

The reserve adjoins the significant wetlands of Lonsdale Lakes used by migratory birds and Hooded Plovers, making this precinct one of the largest and most significant biolinks for biodiversity remaining on the Bellarine Peninsula.

The dune system supports Coastal Alkaline Scrub and Coastal Dune Scrub vegetation.

Cultural values

Buckley Park Foreshore includes a virtually untouched dune system that falls within an Area of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity with many registered sites

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