680 Batman Road, Indented Head. The entire reserve and the adjoining stormwater treatment  assets (marked red below)

680 Batman Road, Indented Head. The entire reserve and the adjoining stormwater treatment assets (outlined in red above)

Current dog orders: No dog orders in place

Proposed dog orders: Dogs prohibited

Indented Head Woodland Nature Reserve is a new reserve with significant environmental values, providing habitat for a diversity of wildlife including threatened species such as Latham’s Snipe.

A draft reserve Masterplan that has included extensive community consultation, is being finalised.

A final plan was submitted for endorsement by Council in November 2022. As part of the plan a Trust for Nature covenant is proposed for the reserve. This is a permanent protection used for significance environmental areas.

The presence of dogs would adversely impact on these values.

Natural values

Remnant Grassy Woodland vegetation supporting a wide variety of woodland bird species. This reserve is one of the last remaining refuges for wildlife in the Indented Head area. Contains large old remnant trees with hollows. We have species lists that show a diversity of birds that inhabit the reserve including Latham’s Snipe. The Geelong Field Naturalists Club regularly survey the wildlife in the reserve.

Cultural values

Wadawurrung Traditional Owners have been consulted on the cultural values of the reserve and several areas have been identified to be of cultural significance. A new name for the reserve using Wadawurrung language has been proposed by the Wadawurrung Traditional owners. The reserve partly falls within the area of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity with registered sites

Have Your Say

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Feedback on proposed dog order changes


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Proposed Order Changes

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