

The Avalon Corridor Strategy (ACS) is a strategic land use plan prepared by Hansen Partnership, the City of Greater Geelong and Wyndham City Council, in collaboration with the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).

The ACS has been developed in response to Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 policy directions as well as similar policy objectives within the G21 Regional Growth Plan (2013) and Greater Geelong Settlement Strategy (2020).

It seeks to maintain a ‘green break’ between Greater Geelong (Lara) and Metropolitan Melbourne (Werribee) to protect significant cultural, landscape and biodiversity values and safeguard important infrastructure and assets, such as Avalon Airport and the Western Treatment Plant.

It also establishes a high-level Framework Plan to guide land use decision making in the Avalon Corridor, such as the location and extent of future development.

The final ACS was adopted by the City of Greater Geelong on 13 December 2022 and by Wyndham City Council on 20 December 2022. The final ACS can be found here or in the Document Library on this page.

Community Consultation & Engagement

In October to November 2016 we listened to community views and aspirations for the Avalon Corridor and used these to guide the development of the draft ACS and Framework Plan.

In August to September 2021 we came back to the community to seek feedback on the draft ACS and Framework Plan, including the key principles, future land uses and proposed areas for further work (such as possible planning instruments).

Engagement activities offered during this second consultation period included:

  • Written submission
  • Online workshop
  • One-on-one interview (via phone or online)

Submissions closed on Tuesday 21 September. A copy of the consultation report is available in the Document Library.


Written Submission

Please provide feedback on the draft Avalon Corridor Strategy and Framework Plan by completing the online submission form below or by emailing Avalon_CorridorStrategy@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.

Alternately both Wyndham and Greater Geelong community members and stakeholders can send written feedback via post to:

Coordinator Strategic Planning

City of Greater Geelong

Wadawurrung Country

P.O. Box 104

Geelong VIC 3220


The personal information requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong and Wyndham City Council for the purpose of the Avalon Corridor Strategy or any other directly related purpose. All written feedback will be reviewed by both the City of Greater Geelong and Wyndham City Council. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. Your personal information will only be disclosed as required to do so by law. City of Greater Geelong's privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to privacy@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.