The Traffic Management Plan for Lara is a 10 year plan to identify and address transport related issues within and around Lara. This 10 year plan captures the community feedback on safety, amenity, heavy vehicle issues and accessibility relating to all modes of movement and transport infrastructure.
The Traffic Management Plan included community consultation collecting over 340 responses.
Throughout the engagement many issues were raised and solutions identified. These have formed short, medium and long term actions in the Action Plan.
We are now in the process of implementing the Action Plan and this page will provide regular updates on our progress.
Use the interactive map below and click on actions to see further information.
Completed actions are shown in green; Active actions are shown in orange; and, Not Commenced actions are shown in grey.
Heavy Vehicle Restrictions
We have received approval from Regional Roads Victoria to implement heavy vehicle restrictions throughout Lara. Truck restriction signage will be installed and come into effect on the 17th March, 2021.
Roadside digital message boards will be installed at key locations notifying of new routes that heavy vehicles will be directed to take. Social media will run for the next fortnight informing of the new restrictions.
Residents on affected roads will have received notification by mail, this notification can be found below in the Document Library, along with a map of newly restricted roads and a FAQ sheet relating to truck restriction signage.