
At the meeting on 27 September, 2022, Council adopted the South Geelong UDF and resolved to continuing to seek community input during the planning scheme amendment phase.

5. Seek further community input to during the planning scheme amendment, including by:

5.1 Giving notice of the amendment to all properties in the study area; and

5.2 Request officers ensure consultation with submitters during the consideration of submissions and report the outcomes of these discussions to Council in the planning scheme amendment.

6. Ensure that the planning controls for the implementation of the UDF facilitate:

6.1 Ongoing community input to the design of future developments; and

6.2 Focus on the importance of design excellence and community benefit for key development areas.

Minutes from the Council Meeting will uploaded here when available.

Council officers will commence a planning scheme amendment to introduce the recommendations of the UDF into the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme in early 2023.

Thank you for your ongoing interest and contribution to this project. The City of Greater Geelong has finalised the Urban Design Framework (UDF) for South Geelong.

The final UDF is to be considered at the next Council meeting:

When: Tuesday 27 September 2022

Location: The Lara Hall, Wadawurrung Country, 1A Flinders Avenue, Lara

Time: Between 6.00pm and 9.00pm

A copy of the Council report and UDF will be made available on the City’s website on the Friday before the meeting. The final UDF can also be found below or in the document library section of this page.

Public attendance at Council meetings is welcome and meetings continue to be live streamed. Questions and submissions should be provided in writing to the Council by noon on the day before the Council meeting.

Please visit the City’s website to access the Council agenda, ask a question, or view the meeting via live stream. https://www.geelongaustralia.com.au/meetings/default.aspx

If you have any questions or require a word version of the Final UDF please contact Jacinta Rivette, Senior Strategic Planner on 5272 4205 or via email jrivette@geelongcity.vic.gov.au

Final UDF document

The Final South Geelong UDF September 2022. The document is in two parts and a word version is available upon request.

Learn more about the proposed changes to the UDF

Is my property in a proposed Heritage overlay?

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Project background

An Interim Final Urban Design Framework (UDF) has been prepared by the City outlining a framework plan, design concepts and design principles for the South Geelong Station Hub and Moorabool Street and the surrounding street network.

The UDF seeks to establish a long-term vision to protect South Geelong’s heritage character while providing more housing options for people to live around the South Geelong train station.

What has happened so far?

Two stages of engagement have occurred with the community in July and August 2019 and November 2020 to gather the community's feedback about the South Geelong UDF project.

There was a fantastic level of interest and hundreds of contributions which have now been collated and are summarised in the Stage 2 South Geelong UDF Community Engagement Report.

Community consulation is now closed.