
At the meeting on 27 September, 2022, Council adopted the South Geelong UDF and resolved to continuing to seek community input during the planning scheme amendment phase.

5. Seek further community input to during the planning scheme amendment, including by:

5.1 Giving notice of the amendment to all properties in the study area; and

5.2 Request officers ensure consultation with submitters during the consideration of submissions and report the outcomes of these discussions to Council in the planning scheme amendment.

6. Ensure that the planning controls for the implementation of the UDF facilitate:

6.1 Ongoing community input to the design of future developments; and

6.2 Focus on the importance of design excellence and community benefit for key development areas.

Minutes from the Council Meeting will uploaded here when available.

Council officers will commence a planning scheme amendment to introduce the recommendations of the UDF into the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme in early 2023.

Update - September 2022

Thank you for your ongoing interest and contribution to this project. The City of Greater Geelong has finalised the Urban Design Framework (UDF) for South Geelong.

The final UDF is to be considered at the next Council meeting:

When: Tuesday 27 September 2022

Location: The Lara Hall, Wadawurrung Country, 1A Flinders Avenue, Lara

Time: Between 6.00pm and 9.00pm

A copy of the Council report and UDF will be made available on the City’s website on the Friday before the meeting. The final UDF can also be found below or in the document library section of this page.

Public attendance at Council meetings is welcome and meetings continue to be live streamed. Questions and submissions should be provided in writing to the Council by noon on the day before the Council meeting.

Please visit the City’s website to access the Council agenda, ask a question, or view the meeting via live stream. https://www.geelongaustralia.com.au/meetings/default.aspx

If you have any questions or require a word version of the Final UDF please contact Jacinta Rivette, Senior Strategic Planner on 5272 4205 or via email jrivette@geelongcity.vic.gov.au

Update June 2022

Update June 2022

The City of Greater Geelong has released the stage three community engagement report for the South Geelong Urban Design Framework (Draft Interim Final).

In total, 45 submissions were received during the final engagement period, which ran from Tuesday 22 February to Friday 8 April.

The engagement included a webinar, which was attended by 29 community members and a panel of senior planners from the City of Greater Geelong. The webinar provided an opportunity for community members to make suggestions and raise concerns about the proposal. In total, 45 questions were answered about the plan.

The engagement also included 27 interviews and a face-to-face workshop that was attended by three residents.

Key points raised during the engagement related to development heights, density, amenity, tree planting, social infrastructure, and heritage. The majority of submissions related to the proposed development of the Barwon Water Site. The UDF recommends a lower scale of development of up to six storeys for the Barwon Water site, rather than 10 storeys.

Read the full report here.

The results from the engagement will be shared with Councillors and a recommendation will be tabled at an open Council meeting in August/September 2022.

Update May 2022

Project Update - May 2022

Feedback on the South Geelong Urban Design Framework (UDF) project is now closed.

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the online and In-person workshops, Q&A session, Conversation Circles or spoke to a project team member.

We are now reviewing all the submissions and comments that have been received and are working on the final UDF.

A Stage 3 Engagement Summary report will be available to view on the South Geelong Have Your Say Page shortly.

The UDF will be considered by Councillors at a Council meeting in August/September 2022, where a final decision on the UDF will be made.

Final UDF document

The Final South Geelong UDF September 2022. The document is in two parts and a word version is available upon request.

Learn more about the proposed changes to the UDF

Is my property in a proposed Heritage overlay?

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Project background

An Interim Final Urban Design Framework (UDF) has been prepared by the City outlining a framework plan, design concepts and design principles for the South Geelong Station Hub and Moorabool Street and the surrounding street network.

The UDF seeks to establish a long-term vision to protect South Geelong’s heritage character while providing more housing options for people to live around the South Geelong train station.

What has happened so far?

Two stages of engagement have occurred with the community in July and August 2019 and November 2020 to gather the community's feedback about the South Geelong UDF project.

There was a fantastic level of interest and hundreds of contributions which have now been collated and are summarised in the Stage 2 South Geelong UDF Community Engagement Report.



The South Geelong Interim Final Urban Design Framework (UDF) is open for the final stage of community engagement.

We want to hear your views on the changes we have made to help us develop a shared vision for South Geelong. Please provide your feedback by completing the submission form below.

The Interim Final UDF includes changes that have been made since the Stage 1 and Stage 2 engagement was held during 2020 and 2021. It is about getting the balance right and your input throughout the engagement so far has played a guiding role in the framework’s development. Thank you.

During the many conversations, meetings, and workshops, it was made clear that as a community:

  • You care about the architectural heritage and streetscapes. For many of you it is the reason why you live in the neighbourhood and why you want it protected.
  • You care about sustainable design and modest development.
  • You share the broader city values of being a caring and welcoming community but do not want disproportionate population growth in the area to the point where you lose what you love about the neighbourhood.

The UDF would limit further impacts on the area’s existing significant cultural heritage while providing additional housing options for others to live in the area.

A summary of changes and a Heritage Q&A brochure have been prepared and can be downloaded from the document library located to the right of this page outlining the the main changes.

Your feedback

We recommend that you read the Interim Final South Geelong Urban Design Framework or view the Summary Brochure and video before providing your feedback below.

We've been working on

What have we been working on since you last heard from us?

Since the release of the Draft UDF, the City's officers have reviewed the submissions received and undertaken a number of studies and further work to inform the recommended changes to the UDF .

This work includes;

  • Further heritage assessment to determine the heritage values on individual properties within the study area.
  • A Capacity and Change Area Assessment to determine the capacity for development with the study area. Three areas of expected change have been identified including minimal, incremental and substantial.
  • A Feasibility Study to better understand the viability of the two development options presented within the Draft UDF for the Barwon Water Site.
  • A city-wide Social Housing Assessment (which included South Geelong) to deliver on the City’s policy commitment to providing this.
  • Developing design and built form guidelines, objectives and strategies.
  • Consolidating and updating the UDF.

Click on the attached link to review a summary of the Draft UDF community engagement responses -Stage 2 South Geelong UDF Community Engagement Report. A copy of the Social Housing Assessment can be provided on request - please phone Strategic Planning on 5272 4205.

Barwon Water Site

We have carefully considered the two options that were proposed in the draft UDF for development at the Barwon Water site.

OPTION 1 proposed a 10 storey building height, while OPTION 2 proposed a lower scale of development, up to 6 storeys.

The UDF found OPTION 2 balances the requirement to meet the housing needs outlined in the Settlement Strategy, whilst providing a lower scale option to address community concern.

Changes to the UDF

Based on the feedback you provided and the work we've done since the release of the Draft UDF, we've made a number of proposed changes. They are summarised below.

  • More clearly identifies the scale and type of housing changes that will occur across the study area.
  • Identifies, through a heritage study, 193 additional properties to be included within a Heritage Overlay.
  • Identifies a preferred maximum height for the Barwon Water site (6 storeys).
  • Includes design and built form objectives for future development on Moorabool Street, the Station Precinct and the Barwon Water site.
  • Identifies land to be included within an Increased Housing Diversity Area (IHDA). The IHDA area is extended to 800m around the train station for substantial change and key development areas only.
  • Updates public realm upgrades and projects being undertaken by the City and the State Government
  • Reinforces the need to support the inclusion of social housing within new development.
  • Recommends changes to planning policy, zones and overlays to achieve the vision of the UDF.

Community consulation is now closed.