Project update
The City is currently undertaking a Transport and Parking study within Barwon Heads.
In May 2020 we asked the community to provide their concerns relating to traffic, parking and active travel within the Barwon Heads area. We have used this feedback, along with traffic counts and parking occupancy data, to develop some possible solutions in answer to community concerns within the area.
Stage Two engagement was completed in December 2020 and sought community feedback on the possible solutions that have been developed. These proposals received strong community support and we’ve incorporated the community’s feedback on the proposals where needed.
We’ve now developed the draft report for the study, and an implementation plan with actions and recommendations for the project. We are now seeking any final community feedback on the reports.
You can find a copy of the full report in the Document Library. As the report is quite long, we've also developed a summary document which is also provided in the Document Library.
The summary document shows some of the key parts of the report, including:
- What we heard during stage 1 community engagement
- What the data tells us about traffic and parking in Barwon Heads
- What we heard during stage 2 community engagement
- The proposed implementation plan of the proposed
The feedback we receive on the draft reports will be used to inform the final report for the study.
Stage 2: This engagement is closed
Contributions to Stage 2 engagement has closed. We've reviewed all the feedback and received some very valuable comments for the proposed actions which have informed the draft report.
Thanks to everyone who contributed.
You can click on the icons on the map to see the proposed actions.
– City of Greater Geelong owned roads with proposed changes
– Regional Roads Victoria (RRV, formerly VicRoads) owned and managed roads
– Other information

Stage 1: This engagement is closed
Contributions to this Stage 1 of this engagement have closed and have been evaluated. This feedback has been used to inform the proposals developed for Stage 2 Engagement.
The City of Greater Geelong sought community feedback to inform the Barwon Heads Transport and Parking Study in May 2020.
We heard from local residents, business owners and regular visitors about key transport, parking and pedestrian issues or opportunities relating to Council-managed roads in Barwon Heads.
We have used this feedback to inform the proposed treatements for the Barwon Heads Transport and Parking Study. This plan promotes sustainable transport, improves pedestrian and cycling accessibility, enhances safety and reviews parking conditions for the benefit of the community now, and in the future.
We heard from the community on topics including:
- Parking options, including current parking time limits
- Access to and from school
- Speed limits
- Pedestrian and cycling networks, including crossing points
- Congestion and delays in peak periods
- Road surface types (coastal vs formal treatments)
Thank you to those you took the time to contribute to Stage 1 engagement for this project.
The personal information requested on this form is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Barwon Heads Transport and Parking study or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. In this engagement your Name may be published with your comment, if you wish to make a non-public comment please contact the engagement officer listed. Feedback recieved with illigitmate names or annonymous may not be considered. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to