Understanding stormwater in our region

As part of the City's Stormwater Services Strategy 2020-30, we are undertaking several studies across the region.

The Clifton Springs/Drysdale flood study will provide a better understanding of stormwater at a catchment level. It will investigate solutions to reduce flood risk/minimise the impacts of stormwater. These may include

  • asset solutions e.g. drainage upgrades, water sensitive urban design (WSUD),
  • non-asset solutions e.g. land use planning, emergency planning, building controls, or catchment management plans.

This is where you come in! We want to know what is important to you. This will help us to assess and prioritise potential options.

Our goals

The City has a vision for a Clever and Creative Future – in particular, the community aspiration for “sustainable development that supports population growth and protects the natural environment.”

The Stormwater Services Strategy 2020-30 supports this vision and identifies a number of goals to which all our stormwater related projects are aligned. The goals which mostly closely support this project are highlighted below.

Which goals from our Stormwater Services Strategy 2020-30 are most important to you?

Tell us which goals are most important to you by giving them a thumbs up.


Your feedback will help us to refine the criteria used to assess our mitigation options. Don't forget to click 'submit' before exploring the rest of site.

To assist you in rating the following questions, please read the four goals of the Stormwater Services Strategy 2020-30 on pages 17-20. We recommend that you keep the strategy document open on a separate tab to the survey, so you can refer to it if required.

Foster healthy and resilient communities Reduce the impacts of dangerous stormwater flooding. Support urban greening through integrated water management. Reduce demand on drinking water. Use stormwater systems to enhance community spaces. Minimise flood disruption to transport.
Support innovative and sustainable growth Implement catchment wide practices that guide growth Implement stormwater solutions that are financially sustainable Develop partnerships to plan and deliver stormwater solutions
Create positive community experiences Engage with the community on stormwater services. Enable communities to better prepare for, and recover from, damaging stormwater events. Establish funding streams that are transparent and equitable.
Enhance built and natural environments Protect the health of waterways. Conserve biodiversity corridors. Protect cultural values along waterways. Implement stormwater systems that can adapt to future needs.