Have your say on the proposed options

Following extensive research and in conjunction with the draft flood modelling results we have developed a range of options for the Clifton Springs/Drysdale catchment.

While there is some cross-over with the potential sites we have grouped the options into three themes

  • Waterway rehabilitation
  • Integrated Water Management
  • Flood mitigation

Each option provides individual benefits that together will deliver a catchment wide approach to stormwater management.

Formalising and rehabilitating informal flow paths in the catchment to carry stormwater can provide benefits such as:

  • habitat connectivity, rehabilitation, and protection for native flora and fauna
  • urban cooling
  • additional recreational and tourism opportunities
  • a renewed sense of ownership for the waterways and their long-term care
  • enable stronger planning policy and planning controls to manage growth

Integrated water management options have many benefits. For example

  • Stormwater harvesting can reduce widespread flooding, improve water quality, and reduce reliance on potable water.
  • Rainwater harvesting (lot-scale) has a broad range of fit-for-purposes uses and requires minimal treatment.
  • Sewer mining (precinct scale) and wastewater reuse (greywater and/or blackwater lot-scale) are highly reliable especially during drought. Both can improve potable water savings and long-term climate change resilience.

Upgrades to the local stormwater network could reduce flood risk in events up to a 10% AEP (1 in 10-year). Local upgrades could reduce isolated flooding hotspots but would not be viable for less frequent events.

Expanding existing aboveground storages (where safe) or introducing underground storage tanks can reduce flood risk for larger events where local stormwater upgrades will not be sufficient

We are currently investigating a range of local drainage options to reduce flood risk. As they are still under investigation they have not been displayed on the map below.

Have your say.

Proposed options


We have mapped each of the options to suitable sites within the catchment.

Learn more about each option by selecting the water drop pins on the map.

Have your say on the options or identify a gap by adding a marker.

Please note: your username and response(s) will be displayed publicly.

13 contributions