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23 November 2021 Update - Climate Change Response Plan endorsed by Council. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.


Our aim is to work with the Greater Geelong community to achieve net zero emissions and increase our regions resilience to climate change impacts through coordinated and collective actions.

Following extensive consultation with community groups, businesses, government agencies and non-government organisations we have developed a Climate Change Response Plan to guide how we can act as an organisation, and a community, to respond to our changing climate.

This plan builds on the goals established by our Sustainability Framework and Environment Strategy 2020-2030 and identifies how the City will support community and business efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adapt to the likely impacts of a changing climate in our region.

The key targets established by this plan are for all City-managed operations to reach net zero emissions by 2025, and for our municipality to reach net zero community emissions by 2035

Community interest in tackling climate change is growing and this holistic plan shows how collectively we can rapidly reduce our emissions and reduce climate change impacts.

Key Themes

These key themes will frame the development of the Climate Change Response Plan.

Climate Action Case Studies

Communities, businesses, and individuals across the City of Greater Geelong region are taking action to reduce their emissions and build resilience to climate-related impacts. The following case studies provide a few examples of these actions.

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