
The City is leading a strategic approach to how biodiversity in the Northern and Western Geelong Growth Areas can be protected.

Our Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Plan sets out a range of measures and commitments, and includes a conservation framework to address how impacts on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) will be avoided, minimised, mitigated and offset. It is supported by implementation documents including the draft Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Funding Program.

We are exhibiting the draft EPBC Plan, Strategic Assessment Report and associated implementation documents for public consultation. The finalised documents will take into account public feedback prior to Council and Ministerial approval.

Community Consultation

This engagement has now closed.

Public exhibition of the draft EPBC Plan, Strategic Assessment Report and associated implementation documents will run for a period of two months from 9am Wednesday 26 July 2023 until 5pm Monday 25 September 2023.

During this time, stakeholders and the general community can provide written feedback using the below form or by email or post (details below).

Feedback may also be provided by attending an online workshop or face-to-face drop-in session. Dedicated workshops will be held for landowners and representatives within the Strategic Assessment area.

Online workshops will be held via Zoom. Please register for your preferred workshop via the below Eventbrite links.

Workshops (online):

Face-to-face drop-in sessions will be held at the Wurriki Nyal Civic Precinct, 137-149 Mercer Street, Geelong. Please note that registrations are not required for drop-in sessions.

Drop-in sessions (face-to-face):

  • Tuesday 5 September, 10am - 12pm
  • Wednesday 6 September, 5pm - 7pm

Please provide feedback on the draft Geelong Growth Areas Strategic Assessment by completing the online submission form below or by emailing GeelongGrowthAreas@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.

Alternately please send written feedback via post to:

Coordinator Strategic Planning

City of Greater Geelong

Wadawurrung Country

P.O. Box 104

Geelong VIC 3220

Please provide your comments in the box. If you would prefer to attach a document please do so by clicking 'choose file' below.
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The personal information requested on this page is being collected by City of Greater Geelong for the purpose of the Geelong Growth Areas Strategic Assessment or any other directly related purpose. If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to contact you for further questions or solutions. Your personal information will only be disclosed to carry out a deeper analysis of the data* or as required to do so by law. Our privacy policy is available on our website. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to City of Greater Geelong, please contact us by sending an email to privacy@geelongcity.vic.gov.au.